What is your weather like right now?

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Katie it never fails.... you get unseasonably warm, we get WHOMPED!!!
Not much in the cities but to the north and west its a blizzard.
Lucky me I'm on the ice line!
If it keeps up I refuse to make bagel sandwiches for any amount of money tomorrow!
Current temp is 4 and dropping about 6 degrees per hour. I will not be sticking my little nose out the door in the morning.
Babe has got it right!
We are expecting record amounts tonight, tomorrow and into the middle of the week. Now don't laugh, but here it's a big deal. 6" - 8" or more of snow down to 4000 ft and 2" - 3" of rain in the inland valleys (Babe and I) and on the coast, too. Here, from the coast to the mountains is 20 miles or less as the crow flies. Not like when I lived in the upper midwest, but it's the best we can do around here.
It's dark and very windy/gusty.
I just snapped this quick pic.....


  • oz01.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 149
You guys must be getting the ice storm I'm supposed to get in the next couple days.
VERY cold and we still have a tiny layer of snow on the ground which is totally unusual here - it has to be pretty cold for it to stay around more than 24 hours.
After 2 days of high winds and unusually warm temps, today's a totally different story.

The winds began to die down about 3 a.m., then the rain started. Temp, even then, was still above 50F. By 7 a.m. the thermometer read 31F and the rain had turned to icy rain. By noon the temperature should be in the mid 20s and drop into the teens tonight.

Roads now are slippery and some area bridges have been closed to traffic.
18 degrees last time I checked.

We're freezing... I've said it before and I'll say it again.

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