What makes "meat" & who would try 3D printed veggie meat?

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
They say "meat" is technically muscle, but a "piece of meat" contains fat and blood too. So what should the thing be called that "meat" is only one component of?

Who would try 3D printed plant based meat alternative? I'm interested in the future of this.

I eat whole food plant based.
3 d printed meat. We could call it 3 d FLESH, yum. Or how about plant flesh? You can't really go around naming them 'rib eye' plant flesh. It sounds too much like a bone with an eyeball. How about Sirloin of broccoli? Wagyu steak of avocado mmm tender. :LOL:

People WILL make big money at it. Not because it is good but because everyone will try it at least once and that's millions and millions of people that try it, with good marketing. Look at the fake crab meat made of starches, gels, crab flavoring, less desirable fish, excellent coloring. People eat it.

I would not eat it in a box I would not eat it with a fox, I would not eat it here or there I would not eat it anywhere. (n)
The meats we eat are typically cut from muscles. Muscles contain fat and blood when the animal is alive. As part of its preparation for sale as food, blood is drained from the animal leaving muscle fibers laced with and surrounded by fat.

I would not care to try meat created in a lab/factory.
I’ve read that 3d printed meat is made from or contains live animal cells.

It seems that would involve some ethical concerns similar to those raised during discussions of cloning.

The idea of creating life in a test tube or factory makes me uneasy.

It doesn’t matter if they are creating food or living tissue for medical use.

It feels like a new and dangerous step towards a futuristic form of slavery to me.

What’s next, 3d printed soldiers? 🤔
I’ve read that 3d printed meat is made from or contains live animal cells.

It seems that would involve some ethical concerns similar to those raised during discussions of cloning.

The idea of creating life in a test tube or factory makes me uneasy.

It doesn’t matter if they are creating food or living tissue for medical use.

It feels like a new and dangerous step towards a futuristic form of slavery to me.

What’s next, 3d printed soldiers? 🤔
One of the videos did mention cow fetal blood to grow the animal stem cells in suspension. But he said that is for research and not large scale production.

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