What to do with gingersnaps?

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Executive Chef
May 25, 2004
Mission, Texas
We got a box of ginger snaps hoping they'd taste good but I find they have way too much ginger in them. The ginger is so much for us that it's even spicey. I don't want to toss this $4 box of cookies. Can anyone suggest what to do with them to tone down the ginger and eat them, maybe in some other dessert? Thanks in advance.
One of the best things you can make with gingersnaps is Sauerbraten. If you don't have a recipe in a cookbook, then just Google "Sauerbraten recipe" and you'll find several good ones. I'm sure someone on this site has a good one too. I would give you mine but it's at home in Vegas and I'm not.
I've seen Mario Batali grate biscotti over ravioli -
so, what about grating ginger snaps over pumpkin or butternut filled ravioli?
Thanks for the great tips. I found a recipe for the roast you suggested DramaQueen and I will certainly use them in pumpkin pie crusts. Hmm?!...I bet even apple pie crust would work well with these little cookies.
I second using them as crust for cheesecake. It makes a nice contrast to the dense creamy texture of the cake; and if it's the spice of the cookie you dislike, the cheesecake cuts that down.
Make a crusted ham using the ginger snaps, guldens spicy brown mustard and brown sugar. I have the recipe on my website:

Baked Ham

Okay now I"M going to make this one. This looks too good to pass up.

Thanks! I have to make this every Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Every once in awhile I like to tease the kids and tell them I'm not making it until I see the look of horror on their faces! Apparently they really look forward to it!

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