What vegetable is this?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
My Son is doing a second year in China. he has just moved to a different city ( Just outside of (Shaoxing).

He just moved there and has a week or so before he starts his work there ( Teaching English to adults. Like father - like son, he wandered around and found a farmers market. He took a pic of this vegetable and asked what it is. It kinda has a Jerusalem artichoke look to it, but I doubt thats what it is or if it is, its some weird variety of it.


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Looks like I just solved my own problem. Edible Lily Bulbs. I actually think ive eaten them, in he past, at a local Asian - Fusion restaurant , that has unfortunately, since closed. I always was trying to figure out what it was (it was sliced up, but I knew it was something I never had before and always wish I had asked what it was before the place shut down). anyway, now I have to find them here and order then so I can try at home.


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Pretty sure I've seen them at the asian market I go to. Also pretty sure I've seen a lot of recipes for them... just don't remember. :neutral:

Great info, thanks for hooking me up.
Whats funny is I went out of my way to stop by my local Asian market, and asked the girl who owns the place what it was, and she had no clue.
Id probably be more likely to find it in the city, but who knows when the next time ill be in a major city will be.

Ive had Lily buds before ( and actually have them in my cupboard). Years ago, I went to a Chinese restaurant that made the best Hot and Sour soup, and they would toss in the Lily buds.

Then, as mentioned in the first post, I went to a restaurant and got some kind of stir fry. That was the one thing I couldn't identify, but by the time I was going to ask, the place closed down. Once my son showed me the pic, and I looked it up and identified it, the light bulb went on and I knew that it was the mystery ingredient.

Thanks again for the link.
Years ago, I looked into trying to grow these, but gave up on it, as I couldn't find any in catalogs that actually said "edible". This was back in the days of paper catalogs only!
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Years ago, I looked into trying to grow these, but gave up on it, as I couldn't find any in catalogs that actually said "edible". This was back in the days of paper catalogs only!

I considered the same too, when I was introduced to the lily buds, I figured, why not grow them at ho e ( at that point I didnt know the bulbs were edible too). But, without knowing 100 % that the variety I was growing was edible, I didnt take the chance.

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