What's for Dinner Monday the 30th?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I have a condo board meeting tonight. As a result, SO will be feasting on some TJs frozen entree while I'm gone and I'll have what's leftover from last night's dinner of ribeye, roasted potatoes and broiled zucchini.

What's on your plate today?
Will heat up some leftovers; potatoes, ham, cheese, green chiles, white sauce. Made a fresh batch of salsa, so some of that with tortilla chips.
I'm baking a pan of chicken enchiladas to celebrate Dx's home from the hospital following surgery last week. She's doing fine now and happy to be home again. 3 different friends sent over plates of brownies, so we will some of those and Ice Cream for laters.
Whiska, if you need help with those brownies, I have vanilla ice cream I can bring. ;) Seriously, though, I hope she's back to full recovery soon.

I'm currently terribly annoyed with Himself. Details will not follow. Let's just say that he'll be lucky if I cook this week. :ermm: Who am I kidding - I'll be going through "I miss cooking" withdrawal sooner than I'll be done being annoyed. He'll get fed...eventually.
Made a batch of enchilada sauce, thawed and heated previously made enchiladas and made sides of Spanish rice and a green salad..

Baked Aldi's apple strudel for later..

Pizza - Mama Mary mini thin crust, sauce, spices, grated cheese, shredded cheddar, shredded mozzarella, red & green bells, onion, mushroom, sweet Italian sausage and black olives.

Porchetta sliders with caramelized onions, provolone and roasted vege mayo on toasted buns. Side is potato chunks steamed, then roasted/fried with olive oil and salt and pepper.


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Yummy looking suppers msmofet and medtran. Medtran, that supper sounds really interesting.

I pooped myself out making http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f56/roasted-root-vegi-bisque-87840.html#post1318848. It was yummy. DH had it with buttered whole grain wheat bread. I had it with Danish heavy rye. Two separate smoke detectors went off at different times. Nothing was burnt. Okay, there were dark bits on the vegis, but not burnt. (Not this time, it has happened in the past.) I'm stuffed.
Porchetta sliders with caramelized onions, provolone and roasted vege mayo on toasted buns. Side is potato chunks steamed, then roasted/fried with olive oil and salt and pepper.
Mmm, making porchetta is on my bucket list. How did you make it and what parts did you use? I've seen recipes using either shoulder or belly, or sometimes shoulder wrapped around the belly. I'm guessing you didn't do a whole pig for the two of you ;)
I made pan-fried shrimp over a blistered cherry tomato sauce and spaghetti, topped with toasted lemony bread crumbs, with a green salad on the side.
Mmm, making porchetta is on my bucket list. How did you make it and what parts did you use? I've seen recipes using either shoulder or belly, or sometimes shoulder wrapped around the belly. I'm guessing you didn't do a whole pig for the two of you ;)

Half of a pork loin and a large piece of pork belly wrapped around the loin. I guess you could do it with a boneless shoulder, but the belly is always on the outside so some of the fat renders and it gets nice and crispy. I'll start a thread of how I did it. I slice the leftovers in thin slices and in thick slices (even using half we had LOTS of leftovers), wrap them in plastic wrap in portion sizes, then bag those in separate marked gallon bags so I can tell them apart. We're down to 1 package left after quite a few meals. We also put the thin slices on a pizza with sweated leeks and garlic, pecorino romano, and then, once cooked, crack a couple of eggs and put back on the grill with top down for a couple of minutes, then break egg before eating. Thick slices get reheated and served like we did originally, usually with a potato/fennel/gruyere/cream gratin and a green vege of some sort.

I've been thinking about doing an all pork belly one. We'll see after we get the last package used up.
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