What's on your schedule for today?

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well i've had to start working more to be able to feed and clothe all these growing monsters.... oops.... munchkins.
I worked this morning, and starting friday I will be working fri-mon instead of only sat-sun. I guess it will be good..... for the checkbook and my sanity.... i need to get out away from the kids a little more.... but I wont feel very good about it..
Anyway, I digress....
say nite nite to overnight working DH
putzed in my neglected gardens
chill a few minutes
make dinner
do dishes
occupy kiddos til bedtime
wake up sleepy DH
chill again (maybe knit? I wanna knit.)
planned nothing and that is what i did. dr. said to take it easy. no get up and go, anyway.

made and ate bout one half of breakfast. really brunch. didn't get up til 11 am. surfed the net, watched tv. took a short nap rather late. watch tv and now and on here. need to eat something and call it dinner. have pretty much the same thing planned for tomorrow.

well i've had to start working more to be able to feed and clothe all these growing monsters.... oops.... munchkins.
I worked this morning, and starting friday I will be working fri-mon instead of only sat-sun. I guess it will be good..... for the checkbook and my sanity.... i need to get out away from the kids a little more.... but I wont feel very good about it..
I know the feeling of having the kids all day long. My three kiddos start school on Monday and I'm looking forward to some ME time! Whew! It's been a busy summer with the kids. Lucky for you that you can get away from the kiddos when you go to work. LOL The thing is I have to go back to work with KIDS again! Argh!!! I'm an elementary teacher and will begin substituting this year. I feel I need at least a year of part time work in order to get the other stuff done (family, husband, house, etc.)

Today, we did some school clothes shopping for the kids, registered our 5 year old for soccer, hubby to be the soccer coach and 14 year old son to referee. Our daughter still has a bit more shopping to finish up tomorrow. Sigh! I hope this is over soon. Had coffee and diet coke late this p.m. just to keep up with the kiddos and now I can't go to sleep...argh! I'm really tired but can't sleep.
Today, working and then seeing a friend later I hope. I did miss my bus this morning which was really annoying... I couldnt unlock the door and saw it go past after running around to the back door, made me a good 15 mins late!
Another busy one.
grocery shop
put food away
weed garden
move more marigolds
cook dinner
eat dinner
kids in bed
Take youngest to & from school and either tackle the upstairs or the garage....I didn't get to either yesterday. I also need to paint what trim we have cut for the diningroom/family room. Other than that nothing else comes to mind.
well so far, had to feed cats, clean up broken glass on the floor, clean up dog barf, refill bird feeders , trying to have my coffee , so far it's not even 9 am yet. I don't know about the rest of the day, pet store for cat/kitten food, grocery store for people food.
One of the things on our schedule for today is to try out a local pizza place Michelemarie and her husband told us about. Yum!

The biggest thing on our schedule is going to our first in-person Chicago Cubs game. WooHoo!

Busy day for me....

Hardware store for dust mask & zip ties
Chinatown for Geisha girl dress, shoes & parasol (Burning Man costume)
Best Buy for couple things
Post Office for stamps
Return headlamp at Sports Basement
Back home to work and get ready for dinner later tonight at The House of Prime Rib....luckily for me they have 1 fish dish!
Need to go back to the mall to keep clothes shopping for my daughter, Amanda. Then we're off to meet Christopher's kindergarten teacher this afternoon. I'll make dinner then walk for an hour, play volleyball with Amanda, eat dinner, watch the Olympics a bit then off to bed. Hopefully, I can begin a new sleep schedule as I need to be up by 6:00 a.m. come Monday (kids' first day of school).
Have 2 containers of bread rising , one is the NYT bread and the other is the Artisan 5 min. a day bread .
wish I had someone to do the work here , since hubby sits around all day.
Have to go to the pet store get more cat/kitten food.
thank you LC, appreciate that, looks like a keeper.
watching Ricky Nelson's tribute on tv, when it's done, I'll start my day
what a looker he was^^^^^^his boys are beautiful too
like to make this bread of lc's but won't cause no room in fridge or freezer
vacuum/dust/laundry/sweep floors/wash floors
make at least two phone calls to two of you
call a Southern Season to see if they got my returned butter dish safely
go see my mom
pay some bills
call wingnut dental office
call chiropractor
call insurance company handling [not] my claim
send out birthday greetings to MIL and flowers for the 22nd
plan hubby's birthday getaway
plan and think about dinner
call the keiki's
market for soap and toothpaste of all boring things, we're out
make GRK's cookie recipe [where is he? not back from vaca?]
wait for the man
dinner routine on the porch
play with dogs
watch a bit tv
been sortof a lazy day.
i have to work 2 more days a week starting tomorrow, so i hung out w/ hubby on the couch.
he's in bed now,
DC a little
kids are begging to go to the playground...
gotta get gas anyway so we will.
figure out a FAST dinner
make said FAST dinner
make smelly little boys take showers
clean up a little
go to bed all early.
I feel like I go back to school tomorrow.....

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