What's on't plate, mate? Dinner 20/10/13

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+1 :yum: I want some of Katie H's pork roast, too - and Princess's clam chowder...and...and...and.. Yikes, just everything looks and sounds so good. lol

Cheryl, the pork roast was an experiment and it turned out beyond expectations.

I took a small pork loin, dampened it and liberally coated it with herbes de province and kosher salt. Really put on a thick coating, then baked it at 400F until the internal temperature was 145F. Wow! I will definitely do this again.
Finally drooled my way through this thread. Everything looks and sounds yummy. Too bad I was slurping my bowl of warmed-up canned chicken soup at the time. :( Wish I could find the gang of thugs that beat me up last night while I was sleeping. More likely I had a variation of the bug that took him down for a day last week. As his penance Himself gets to finish up the last of the chicken and biscuits. This cook is on sick-time until tomorrow. And I will cook tomorrow. Canned chicken soup certainly isn't anywhere near as good as homemade, but it's still healing.

Headed to my chair with a cat and the remote. A rerun of "Castle" is due up...and I've been feeling a bit chilled. ;)
Wow, I didn't know you were making potato bacon, too, Fi.
Two very fine soups :yum:

Here's my dinner.


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Exact same soup until you add back the bacon or the clams and juice. Very filling.

Oh my, Yum! that looks good Pac!
Pacanis, that sausage sandwich looks amazing, especially with the toasted French roll. :yum: Are those fried mozzarella bites with it? :ohmy: :yum:

Princess, wonderful looking soups. Glad you found your camera and can take pics! :) Cooking Goddess....ugh....hope you feel better soon.
Cheryl, the pork roast was an experiment and it turned out beyond expectations.

I took a small pork loin, dampened it and liberally coated it with herbes de province and kosher salt. Really put on a thick coating, then baked it at 400F until the internal temperature was 145F. Wow! I will definitely do this again.

Isn't it great when our experiments turn out to be keepers??! :chef::yum:
We hit Busch Gardens Williamsburg tonight for their Howl-O-Scream shows. Ate in Italy and had eggplant Parmesan, and chicken parmesan with salads and garlic sticks. Not bad for "industrial" food at a theme park.
So the meatloaf was pre-empted by DH's desire for chicken stir-fry. He did most of the chopping/cooking. Serves over fluffy basmati rice.

Okay, two soups at once. My clam chowder and Shrek's potato and bacon
not bad for a cook in handcuffs....looks fab princess!

Cheryl, the pork roast was an experiment and it turned out beyond expectations.

I took a small pork loin, dampened it and liberally coated it with herbes de province and kosher salt. Really put on a thick coating, then baked it at 400F until the internal temperature was 145F. Wow! I will definitely do this again.
sounds lovely katie...any chance of a piccie or two?

Wow, I didn't know you were making potato bacon, too, Fi.
Two very fine soups :yum:

Here's my dinner.
see you've got the hang of the camera pac.bet it tasted as good as it looks mate!!

So the meatloaf was pre-empted by DH's desire for chicken stir-fry. He did most of the chopping/cooking. Serves over fluffy basmati rice.
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luvvin' the food & that plate sb..brightens up a dark & rainy manchester day.reminds me of holidays in spain.very mediterranean
now go & stick your pics on food photo's!!
Thanks guys.

Cheryl, they were cheese curds. Check out my "It's back..." thread under contests.
Did you squirt any lime juice on your beans and quinoa? It seems like it would have went well.

Nice colors on that stir-fry.
I had leftover ratatouille my way--I added some chick peas to it today. I guess it is more like vegetable stew with eggplant, tomatoes, leeks, carrots, potatoes, rutabaga, cabbage, swiss chard, peppers, Israeli cous-cous, and chick peas. I added some Frank's hot sauce because I like hot.

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