Yucky, stinky, nasty smells

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Outside of a Korean Restaurant as we were going in my friend said: "It smells like a dirty wet dog out here". I told her not to order the special.
The durian ice cream I got a short while back ranks up there among the smelliest for me. I can not imagine what the fresh fruit would smell like. I would put durian at a tie with some sort of stinky cheese I had. When we served the cheese numerous people asked if my sons diaper needed to be changed. It took us a half hour of looking in his diaper and walking around the house searching for a missing diaper to realize it was not him, but the cheese.

The interesting this is that both of these foods tasted fine. the durian had a nice flavor and the cheese was delicious. You just needed to get past the smell for both of them first.
Rotten Potatos and when you throw chicken ucooked chicken parts in the wastebasket and don't empty and the next morning. ewwww

Definitely the most unpleasant in my experience. I've gotten into the habit of taking the raw chicken parts that I'm discarding and sealing them in a ziploc before throwing away. Works every time!
The durian ice cream I got a short while back ranks up there among the smelliest for me. I can not imagine what the fresh fruit would smell like.

Oh my believe me...comparing the real fruit from the ice cream? I have to say that the ice cream smells good lol!
Natto......fermented soybeans. Lots of people, including myself, cannot eat this due to the foul smell. It gags me and makes me want to throw up everytime I smell this when brought to the table for someone else.
Natto......fermented soybeans. Lots of people, including myself, cannot eat this due to the foul smell. It gags me and makes me want to throw up everytime I smell this when brought to the table for someone else.

Natto? Isn't that the sweet tofu thingy from Japan? I haven't encountered one in my life and had no idea that it's smelly...because Japanese shows makes it sound as if it's so yummy!
When I still work at the Pharmacy, there some people who came in and would procede to open a small paper bag, about 5 min later a smell would fill the room. It was so awful, I'd start to gag and had to go open the door. Trying to be polite I finally asked what are you eating..Dried little shrimp. That stuff was disgusting. We finally put up a sign no smoking or eating in store.
Ye gads I'm glad that's over.
The 2 pork chops that I left in my RV freezer last year for 9 weeks with the power off (in the summer).


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