How soft drinks affect your health

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Senior Cook
Jan 8, 2010
Washington, D.C.
Base on the research and the fact about softdrink it contain in which Caffeine increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure, and can contribute to the development of heart disease. Both decaf and regular coffee increase your cholesterol and homocysteine, the biochemical that science has linked to increased risk for heart attack.
What about pregnant women is it advisable to have more dosage or small amount of caffeine ? or just we say drink soft drink and coffee. Have an idea ?
caffeine for pregnants isn't the best, but you and trhe child will survive with one cup a day...
If you consume high amount during pregnancy the child gets addicted to coffeine..

go for tea (no black), water and juices instead
Most soft drinks contain a high amount of simple sugars. The most noticeable one is diabetes if you drink too much of it as it has sugar, the other one depends on manufacturer like coloring in soft drink is generally not good for health unless it is natual colouring. But Drinking one every couple of days is perfectly fine.
Fruit juices are about the same as drinking soda pop. They contain very little fiber, and have some vitamins and minerals. It has been found that drinking just one glass of fruit juice per day can increase the chance of developing type 2 diabetes in women by 18%.
(See Glass of juice a day increases diabetes risk - Telegraph

Do a quick google search for yourself. Type in Fruit juice and Diabetes. There are a host of professional articles about the subject. Some appear to be knee-jerk reactions, while others are very well done with documentation to studies done by respected universities and medical researchers. I know that two of the quickest ways to raise my blood sugar are to use glucose pills, or drink 6 oz. of fruit juice such as apple or orange juice.

Because of the high amount of sugar in all fruit juices, nutritionally, they are considered in the same category as soda-pop. I knew two men who were self-proclaimed pop-a-holics as young men. Both of them died from diabetes compllications. One was my brother in law, the other was at one time, my best friend. And I am diabetic because of what I didn't know about nutrition when I was younger.

Fruit juice (100%) can be drank, but in moderation, and not every day. Whole fruits actually decrease the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by about 18%. If you like fruit, or want your children to eat and drink good things, give them whole fruit, not the juices of fruit.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Recent research indicates that it is the SUGAR in soft drinks that is contributing to high blood pressure.
Pregnant women should best take advice from the doctor, but homemade fruit cordials such as lime and lemonade I would think, are safe. Also green tea.
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on the caffeine subject: i drink pop from the wee hours till i snooze (0 cavities & blood pressure is a usual 120/90, or 120/70, certain days) although.....
i chose to not ingest caffeine years ago; too anxiety-provoking for me. i read the labelling to check for herbal add-in's or caffeine.
the following is odd, kinda:~
as an older teen i went thru so many pots of coffee in a day that for 5 minutes my Dad took the coffeepot. i found that in less than the 5 minutes he took 2 hide that; then took that into my room & made my coffees in my room.
then i was so tired well, alert, lol; i meant too tired of those jitters/etcetera) of this caffeine due 2 its side-effects; i drank nary a mug after that.
those withdrawl headaches were very similar to this::bash:, although i was less jittery, my palpitations ceased, abdominal cramping went away, & i decided i'd rather be calm than anxious! way relaxing & calming, ditching that stuff.

as for pregnancy, i'd cease caffeine soon if a baby is arriving; a person generally would not use alcohol or nicotine so what's the point of using caffeine, despite them being very different. if the Mom-to-be ingests a substance, baby-to-be absorbs that, too.
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lol, i meant to say i drink sprite & GUS pop, & other non-caffeinated drinks.
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An occasional soft drink probably isn't a problem for most people without medical problems. But I have friends who literally drink not only the equivalent of a 6-pack, but even a case every day to two. This cannot be good for you. I have a tendency to shaky hands, so avoid caffein. But, then, I should avoid alcohol too. We all have to choose our poisons.
Yes, I read that coconut milk is like a mirale contains many vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and chloride.

It has satuated fat but the fat is made up of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids so the body turns it into energy instead of storing as fat (good for weightloss).

Half of the medium-chain fatty acids are composed of lauric acid which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal. Coconut milk can help boost the immune system. Coconut milk is also soy-free, gluten-free and nut-free.

Didn't I also read somewhere that you can drink too much of it. What happens when you do that?
Base on the research and the fact about softdrink it contain in which Caffeine increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure, and can contribute to the development of heart disease. Both decaf and regular coffee increase your cholesterol and homocysteine, the biochemical that science has linked to increased risk for heart attack.
What about pregnant women is it advisable to have more dosage or small amount of caffeine ? or just we say drink soft drink and coffee. Have an idea ?

The high fructose corn syrup is actually worse than the caffein.

Frank 2022
More thoughts on fruit juice and coldrink

Some very interesting points here - Thanks for the interesting information Goodweed of the North!. :chef:

There seems to be another take on the effect of fruit juice though. Research has also found that, some women who consumed a lot of fruit juice--which is high in natural fructose--were not at increased risk of diabetes. As a result researchers contemplate the possibility that naturally occurring sugars may have a different metabolic effects than added sugars. Researchers also speculate that the adverse effects of sugar may be counterbalanced by the protective effects of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals in fruit juices. Read more here

The high fructose corn syrup is actually worse than the caffein.

Frank 2022

i ain't concurring w/ that.
people saying 1 kinda sugar is healthier than another is quite the misnomer. shake that 2 your liking; a gram of carbohydrate is 4 kcals per gram, be that ingested via sugar packets, milk, a bottle of pop, or veal~ caffeination may well give jitters, GI ails, anxiety, headaches, & is addictive.......
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Yes, I read that coconut milk is like a mirale contains many vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and chloride.

It has satuated fat but the fat is made up of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids so the body turns it into energy instead of storing as fat (good for weightloss).

Half of the medium-chain fatty acids are composed of lauric acid which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal. Coconut milk can help boost the immune system. Coconut milk is also soy-free, gluten-free and nut-free.

Didn't I also read somewhere that you can drink too much of it. What happens when you do that?

You meant coconut water/juice right?

I get cans of this at my asian market but we often try other brands too.The toasted coconut one is good too.
Most of these drinks have little chunks of coconut floating in them as do a lot of asian drinks.

Amy and Brian Coconut Juice With Pulp -- 17.5 fl oz Each / Pack of 12 - Vitacost

I still treat like a soda with my kids though.Water or milk is what they should be drinking.These are treats.
I really disliked coffee until I was assigned to North Dakota. I had to walk to work, and the hot coffee was great. But then my shakey hands got worse, so I cut out the caffein as much as possible. Pop has not been that much of an issue for me; my husband and I grew up with a glass of coke being a big treat. If offered a glass of water or a co'cola, I'll take the water. But I see, in my friends and relatives, some serious problems with drinking soda pop as a basic staple to their diet. I drink maybe a glass (bottle, can) or two a week, but I'm not kidding about friends and relatives who drink it instead of water.

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