Anyone here watch Supermarket Superstar on the Lifetime TV Network....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Watch Supermarket Superstar Full Episodes Online -

It has only aired one full episode so far that you can even watch online now.

This reality TV show is going to attempt to find the NEWEST hit grocery store product.

The first show included an alcohol infused cake. Not right for this competition.

A cookie cupcake idea that might have won if she went with a chocolate chip flavor vs butterscotch.

And the winner which was a peach cobbler cake.
Had not heard of it but found the listings so have it set to record. Hope it's a good one.
Had not heard of it but found the listings so have it set to record. Hope it's a good one.

If you have the time click on the link in the first post and watch the first episode.

I say the grand prize is great, BUTTT They only allowed the contestants 90 minutes in the first episode to whip up a new batch of the item they wanted to sell which included making any changes to recipe. I would have liked a longer time period though.

I have no clue if they will give people more time in the Barbecue product category or the other ones to perfect the item.
For episode 2 it was Global Cuisine....

We had a Russian piroshki item which was a flavor flop, but I though it was a solid idea anyway.

We had a Portuguese Soup which was solid flavor wise, but a sodium bomb with the tasting panel.

On the show an idea was brought up for an international line of soups which was rejected by the contestant for a line of Portuguese food. I say both ideas are great and you could possibly do both.

The winner was a chamale(Mexican/Chinese fusion food item). I say it won due to that idea alone.
I got to see the Thursday airing of this show and this is the short rundown of the whole show....

This week was natural food.

One lady brought in her apple bomb creation. An apple you bake in the oven with caramel flavoring that was wrapped in pasty dough..

It was a calorie bomb that flopped with the tasting panel and got the early boot.

Izzy's Cake Bites.. An organic food isle gluten free whoopie pie cookie. Three for 4.49. This one was the winner because the third item was.....

Chrimp Chomps... 2.49 for one protein bar that 2/3 of the tasting panel liked, BUTTTT the main ingredient in the bar was ground up CRICKETS!!!

The food buyer stated that he did not want to be the one to miss out on a great product and this one could have been it.

I say the cricket product should have won although you will have a massive marketing problem on your hands.
Crickets ain't bad when properly seasoned and lightly fried.

I did not know they're a favorite snack in Mexico. Saw it on a talk show. We've been to Mexico many times, have not seen nor tried them.
The next category up was baked goods..... This threesome wound up with an even better first round prize of 20 grand in cash instead of 10 grand.

One item was a Peaches and Cream Praline Cream Bread... This one wound up being a calorie problem with the tasting panel.

Another item was Tony's Sconies.. A healthier Scone made with flax seeds and oatmeal. This scone also had bacon and Cheddar in it. The Buyer liked the taste of the product, but he was also not sold by the packaging or the appearance of the item. Which finished him off. It was four Sconies for 3.29.

The winner product was called a Smougy and then got changed to Smoogy during product design....

This was a cream cheese filled frozen cookie sandwich. the buyer like the taste, but did not like the size of the product. It was a six pack for 7.99

The size of the product got changed after the show was over...

I still say the scone was a solid idea.
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Another Thursday show over and this is my short recap of the car.

This week was Spreads and dips.....

Avo-on-the-go was an avocado based item. I thought it was not a bad idea, but in the end just did not win over the judges.

Beer and Bacon Jam... Then main problem with this item was the beer flavor was not taste-able... Still I thought this was a solid idea, but the buyer in the end did not select this item.

SweetHeat Pepper Jelly which was made with Scotch Bonnet peppers won over the buyer even though buyer thought this was a "one trick pony"... You can easily tell this was my favorite out of the bunch...
Another week and another three items down. My quick recap of the whole show.

I thought all three products in the Sauce category were good.

One product was a Jalapaeno based sauce, but the bad aftertaste as stated by the taste panel killed this product.

Another product was a mac and cheese sauce. At first it was a nine cheese sauce that got chunked down to a five cheese sauce. One 16 ounce bottle would retail for 6.19 which I thought was pricey. This product did tatste very salty. The buyer said that he was not his target market for the product and this was a WHITE sauce. I think that killed her chances at moving on....

The winning product was 101 red sauce. It was supposed to be a sauce you can use 101 ways.... I liked the product, but it was 7.98 for 16 ounces which is supposed to be enough sauce for two meals.... That is expensive and even 5.69 for 16 ounces is high...

I am really starting to hate the buyer.....
Another Week goes by and three more items down...

This week it was the Snack food to do battle.

On item was called "Three Square Meals". It provided four different allergin-free good items to choose from. They included Two different crackers, A hummus, and a chicken item.

The tasting panel did not like the flavor for the crackers and it wound up getting dumped.

Another item up was a Mallow rice crispy type item that was all natural. This one was made with apples. It was going to sell for 1.69 I guess this did not win due to the packaging and having to go up against the 10000 pound gorilla in the grocery.

The last item was Pao! A bao bun product with Fried chicken and gravy on the inside. This was going to sell for 5.59 for a four pack. I guess this won the night as it had a shot of extending the line to do a pork and a beef version.
Another Thursday night and another three items try to move on to the next round in the Barbecue Sauce Round.

My quick recap....

One sauce included 18 year old balsamic vinegar which kicked the price up 7.09 a bottle as stated in the focus group. In the time to revamp the product a chance to really lower the price of the product did not occur. That was a total deal breaker and he wound up getting the boot. I think the sauce can sell at the price point in some online website.

Another sauce was bacon flavored. The guy behind said it USES the maximum amount of bacon the law will allow and even he said he wanted to add more bacon, but then a whole new set of rules apply to the sauce. This product had some acidity problems to deal with. The Focus group liked the flavor, but at least one focus group member was worried about the shelf life of the product. One bottle was going to sell for 3.69. The buyer thought it did not have enough habanero flavor.

I wonder if that sauce would have to be the first one that had to be sold in the refrigerator section of the grocery store? I loved the idea.

The final sauce was pineapple based, but she wanted to sell this item in a two jar format which was a first. For 6.69 you get a big jar of the red sauce then you also get a smaller green sauce jar which was the even hotter stuff. You are supposed to mix them together to get the heat level you desire.

The buyer was confused on the two bottle idea and also thought the product might not fit on store shelves.

Another product I think would sell.
Well one more Thursday down and three more contestants try to move onto round two..

This time we had so called dinner entrees..

One item was called Health Nut Noodle. At first the item the lack flavor. Then in the recipe revamp it got some major changes to it. Then in the focus group it was too spicy which I say did it in the end for the judges.

Another item was a crab meat pie. Size was like an 8 inch circle. It was sold at a mom and pop restaurant that did close down for the price of 34.99!

The 8 inch pie had one pound of blue crab meat in it. The judges wanted more vegetables in this to make a complete meal and lower the price.

ALL I saw in the big pie was a QVC item all day long at that price!!

She wound up going with a mini pie instead which to me said appetizer not Entree. Most of the focus group loved this. In the end she was going to sell 4 mini pies for 7.49 In the end it did not win. I thought this would sell big time, Especially at Target due to the way the box looked after branding lab time.

The winning item this was an beef flavored Empanada. This was a sodium bomb and the remedy was to take out some salt and replace it soy sauce.

People did complain of the doughy dough.

This was going to be sold in an 8 pack for under 10 bucks.

It won and I think it would be an easy sell at the store.

IF you have not seen this show yet NEXT WEEK is your last chance. Next week they are going to crown a winner. It may wind up being an early show booting for six round two contestants.
Yesterday was the season finally of Supermarket superstar....

This is my short review of the final hour.

After a short intro piece it was already down to picking the final three.

Debbie Fields picked the red 101 sauce.

Michael picked the Chimale item.

Chris picked the Smoogy

The first round of competition this time was to go to an A&P supermarket where three demonstration areas were set up. Each had samples ready to go and products for sale.

Customers got to fill out surveys.

Main complaint on red 101 sauce was they saw similar products on the supermarket shelves.

Main complaint on the Chimale is that it would not make it on the regular shopping list.

Main complaint on the Smoogy was it was not a necessary purchase.

The red 101 sauce got the boot as it sold the least amount product.

The next round was line extension time. Time to create the second item in then brand.

Chimale guy did a chinese BBQ pork Chimale.

Smoogy Gal at first wanted to do a strawberry Smoogy, but in the end did a chocolate fudge Smoogy.

After that segment was over it was now time to sell the products to the president of A&P supermarkets.

Chimale's were 4 for 4.89 and the two big complaints was people may not get idea of a Chimale and that in the pork version a bit of pork did not occur in each bite.

Smoogy Gal fared much better. 5.99 for a six pack. The president said he did not like cheesecake, but this changed his mind. The main complaint was the size of the bag being too tall.

In the final segment it was back at the A&P supermarket and the winner was picked. Smoogy Gal won, but at this point of time I do not know how successful this product was.

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