Can this sauce be frozen?

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I don't see why not, GB. Probably thawing to room temp and giving it another whirl in the food processor would re-blend it.
I'm sorry GB - but you cannot freeze it - what you can do is ship it to me Overnight Fed Ex :mrgreen:


I don't see any reason why you can't freeze this. You could also place in a bowl of warm water to decrease thawing time if you decided to use it at the last minute.
I just tried to fed ex it Kitchenelf, but the fed ex guy returned it to me. He wanted to know what all this green stuff was that was dripping down his arms ;)

I think what I will do is pour it into a large ziplock bag and freeze it flat. Then I will put it (ziplock bag and all) into a foodsaver bag. That way when I just need a little bit I can break off a piece and place the rest back in the freezer. Thanks for helping me with this guys!
...but you are more than welcome to come over for dinner with your husband. I will even do the dishes :)

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