Dinner Wednesday, 2-24-2021

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Beef tataki, which is seared tenderloin, rubbed with a sweet soy sauce, then marinated in tamari and other things. Asian lobster salad, which is grated cucumber and carrot, with a dressing of kimchi base and honey, with chunks of a small Maine lobster on top. Sweet potato and zucchini tempura. Homemade ponzu sauce for dipping the tataki and veges.


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We stayed beige today.
Pork Schnitzel, butter noodles, topped with chicken gravy and frozen corn.

Mini cream puffs from Aldi for dessert.

Beef tataki, which is seared tenderloin, rubbed with a sweet soy sauce, then marinated in tamari and other things. Asian lobster salad, which is grated cucumber and carrot, with a dressing of kimchi base and honey, with chunks of a small Maine lobster on top. Sweet potato and zucchini tempura. Homemade ponzu sauce for dipping the tataki and veges.

Nice, Tataki is one of my favs!
It was almost nautical out, what with temps in the mid 30's several days in a row. However it may be a bit of a challenge for people steering their sailboats around ice fishing houses still firmly anchored to the icy frozen lakes

We made a balmy ginger and spicy pineapple shrimp stir fry. Recipe called for red and green bell peppers, neither of which appeal to us. I used zucchini instead. Served along with marinated cucumbers and rice.
Beef tataki, which is seared tenderloin, rubbed with a sweet soy sauce, then marinated in tamari and other things. Asian lobster salad, which is grated cucumber and carrot, with a dressing of kimchi base and honey, with chunks of a small Maine lobster on top. Sweet potato and zucchini tempura. Homemade ponzu sauce for dipping the tataki and veges.

Sounds wonderful. Was there a special occasion?
I made bachelor surprise. We haven't had it in a while and Stirling had a craving for it. It is a tasty, easy meal.


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Ross, I'm making an Aldi run tomorrow. Should I put those mini cream puffs on my shopping list?

We had Italian sausage, escarole, and bean soup with baguette slices.
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We love them. $4.99 for a box of 50. They also have eclairs, which we enjoy. Thaw them for an hour or so and they are great. Suggested serving is 6. We eat about 5 each for our dessert. I could eat more but, I resist. :ermm::yum:

Sounds wonderful. Was there a special occasion?

No, just using up the tenderloin piece and lobster from the freezer, plus I've been wanting the tempura and salad. The tataki was mostly for Craig because he really likes it.
I had a Zoom book club meeting last night. It's become a tradition that on book club nights, DH gets a pizza from our local pizza place, usually because I'm frantically trying to finish the book and don't have time to cook :ROFLMAO:

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