Edgar Allan Poe's 210th B-Day ~ 1-19-19 ~ Who Will You Toast?

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Any guests behind your walls? I remember that from when I was a kid. I bought the big soft cover book with several of his stories in it. Pit and pendulum got to me.

I don't like poetry, as such, but I am drawn to Edgar Allan Poe. I'm not sure that is a good thing. There is a darkness to his poetry that appeals to me. Again, I'm not sure that is a good thing.

As for dinner, I am eating major league trash food. I had some leftover mini hot dog thingies, that have a name that escapes me right now. And, I had some crescent rolls dough -- and good stone ground mustard. My "Tell-Tale Heart" is probably pretty pissed off about now, but I've already told it to get over it. It's not like it is something new. :rolleyes:

We just had nachos and some home made all beef sausage in German Mustard my bro brought me back from his vaycay..


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Chicken veggie soup over brown rice topped with fresh grated parm reg & pecorino romano cheeses.


I also made DD#2 homemade cream of broccoli cheddar soup (no picture).
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I don't like poetry, as such, but I am drawn to Edgar Allan Poe. I'm not sure that is a good thing. There is a darkness to his poetry that appeals to me. Again, I'm not sure that is a good thing.

As for dinner, I am eating major league trash food. I had some leftover mini hot dog thingies, that have a name that escapes me right now. And, I had some crescent rolls dough -- and good stone ground mustard. My "Tell-Tale Heart" is probably pretty pissed off about now, but I've already told it to get over it. It's not like it is something new. :rolleyes:


Hillshire Farms Lit'l Smokies?


I love those now and then. :LOL:
What great sounding dinners all around here. :yum:

I had the last of the spaghetti, small salad, and garlicky bread this afternoon. I don't make a batch of spaghetti very often but when I do, I have no problem eating it for a few days in a row.
Anybody remember the Alan Parson's project? Here is an album retelling some of the horror stories of Edgar Allen Poe...

I actually watched an Alan Parsons Project concert after this topic was posted. It wasn't the EAP album, but they did play "The Raven."

My college roommate and I were both audiophiles, and both worked construction jobs during the summer months. We both liked Alan Parsons, which means the whole dorm liked Alan Parsons.

We both graduated, too. It took him five years. I did it in four. :cool:


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Amontillado as a braising liquid? Nevermore! Besides, I thought you guys in the Republic of Texas only drink beer and tequila.

Grilling is out of the question tonight. It's started to snow, and we should be getting a foot or so by early tomorrow. Tonight's dinner will be beef and pepper stir fry, served over brown rice.

We drink darn near anything with a kick to it down here.:ermm: :yum:

We got a dusting of snow this morning. Forget grilling, I didn't even get out of bed until noon. An inch of snow in Dallas is a day off, six inches is good for a week off... a foot is is the end of days -- time to start prayin'. :LOL:

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Hillshire Farms Lit'l Smokies?

I love those now and then. :LOL:

Yes, thank you. They were leftover from NYE, and were in a zip-lock bag with no label. I figured they would still be safe to eat, as they are full of nitrates, nitrites, and all kinds of chemicals I can't spell. If I die tonight, my body will be well preserved. It could take months before the neighbors notice a smell.

CD :ermm:
Cooking down the inventory dinner tonight. I pulled out a previous Michael Symon recipe we both like. Beans and pasta from the pantry, sausage from the freezer, most everything else is regular stock in my kitchen. The only thing I had to buy was Swiss chard.

Tonight's dinner was improvised by DH. Boneless chicken breasts, breaded in spices and Panko, with a sauce made by deglazing the pan with Tequila and adding some canned mandarin oranges and pineapple chunks. Served over basmati rice with spinach. DELICIOUS!!! Good going there DH:chef::chef:

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