"Merry Christmas & Thank You!"

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Merry Christmas to you and Buck, Katie. I know he's never far from you in spirit, but this year will be tough not having his big, comforting presence in the house. I'll be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow and hoping a little of the joy you and Buck have always shared finds it's way to you.
Lots of Love to You, My Friend,
Merry Christmas Miss Katie --- I was just sittin here thinkin...Do I want to come eat steak with you, or should I come get ya so you can eat Chili and Cornbread with me...It's a tough decision...Oh well, I bet we both go to bed tonight with a full tummy!!!:LOL:
Have a great evening Miss Katie...
Merry Christmas to you Katie, I am not too connected with this site, but your loss and the responses from the kind folks here have touched me. I know you will be surrounded by your loved ones and that is such a blessing.
Katie, I am so very glad to have met you and Buck. He's there with you and always will be.


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