My mom is in the hospital

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Last thursday morning, 3 AM she got up and probably was going to get a drink of water, but fainted and fell, hiting her had. Fractured her temparal (sp?) bone. She is a little bit better now, but I don't thik she is all together there. One moment she talks to nurse about her grandchildren and the next she is screaming, pooling IV out, pushing nurse away. :(
Oh, Charlie!

I hope she gets better very soon. My mom has fallen a couple times and, though she didn't hit her head, she has broken stuff and took awhile to mend.

I hope she feels better and best wishes to your family.
Charlie, I know this is so hard on you. But remember we are praying for you to have strength and for her to heal. :angel:
Charlie I know all about watching a parent struggle health-wise. I am sending thoughts and prayers to you, your Mom and your family. I know that even in the state she is in, she can feel the love of her family and even the nurses who care for her. Just be there for her in any way you can.
It's so hard when our parents are not well. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts, and wishing a speedy recovery for your mother.
sorry to hear about your mom. i wouldn't worry about her not being all there at this point. i fell more than once. the first time, i did the same thing as your mom. drugs were the culprit i think. give it some time. then you will really know what is going on.
Oh, Charlie, my thoughts are with you and your mom. Hoping for a full and speedy recovery.
Thank you, thank you everybody, yesterday was a really bad day, she refused food or water, and would not let nurse put IV. They finally had sedated her and take care of her sugar problem that has been aggravated by the trauma. Today she is fighting with nurse insisting she needs to take her own medicine, even though she already took same medicine nurse gave her. I think her short term memory has been affected by the fall and she doesn’t completely understand what is going on. Also she wants to go home, and being, how should I say that politely, a strong will person, she argues with us (family) too. My hope is only G-d and yours and mine prayers.

Thank you everybody.

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