New Puppy!!

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Senior Cook
Jan 14, 2008
Sunny San Diego
I'm finally getting around to posting pics of our new puppy. We brought him home early May and he's now 16 weeks. His name is Merlin and he's an Australian Shepherd. As with Aussies, he's really smart and just loves to rumble with his sister and brother. One of the pictures shows him with his big brother, Cole.

He's a thinker and very active so I'm hoping he might be an Agility potential. :bounce:He's getting into that dinosaur stage now, all legs and body, gnat size brain! :ROFLMAO: Actually, he's doing really well with learning commands. We couldn't be happier with him! :in_love:


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Thanks, redkitty! He's also very fluffy and soft. He definitely is a smarty, sometimes too smart for my own good, lol!
What a beautiful dog!!!! His coat looks really nice and soft. Congrats, he looks like a happy pup and I'm certain that you guys spoil him!
Plumies, he is gorgeous!

He has that aussie cheeky and mischevious grin too...

Looks like he is a good socialiser too.

Cole looks like a sweetie too.

Actually Merlin looks like Tia, our Shepherd cross retriever, that we had when we lived in Sydney a few years back, she was flluffy and soft, and was so affectionate and she got on really well with our border collie, Jack.

I just read this back, sorry about so many "too"s, it is early in the morning here and the brain is having a little bit of a job getting going although i don't mind because it is Friday and tomorrow's the weekend, YIPPEE!!!:LOL:
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What a beautiful dog!!!! His coat looks really nice and soft. Congrats, he looks like a happy pup and I'm certain that you guys spoil him!

He really does have a very nice coat, much softer than our first Aussie's. Us spoil him? No!!! Who am I kidding? My dogs are so spoiled but I love them! :LOL:
Plumies, he is gorgeous!

He has that aussie cheeky and mischevious grin too...

Looks like he is a good socialiser too.

Cole looks like a sweetie too.

Actually Merlin looks like Tia, our Shepherd cross retriever, that we had when we lived in Sydney a few years back, she was flluffy and soft, and was so affectionate and she got on really well with our border collie, Jack.

I just read this back, sorry about so many "too"s, it is early in the morning here and the brain is having a little bit of a job getting going although i don't mind because it is Friday and tomorrow's the weekend, YIPPEE!!!:LOL:

Thanks, Cath! lol! Cheeky, that's him! Cole is a big dumpling and so tolerant of Merlin. Merlin likes to put his front paws on Cole's back and they walk together like that. Funniest thing.

It's later in the work day and my brain going soft :online2lo but I'm with you, it's almost the weekend!!! Have a great one!
Aussies are so smart and very protective. My youngest was my aussie favorite and we had to put her up to give him birthday whoopins, lol. she got between us and stood up on us and oofed at us, lol. I miss her so much!! She was the BEST dog we ever had!!
Thanks TG! We love Aussies. Our first boy was an Aussie, who we lost to cancer about a year ago. It's nice to have that Aussie spunk again in the house.
He is beautiful!!!! A neighbor had an Aussie and that poor dog would herd the kids in the back yard. It was a hoot to watch.

I want to see more pictures of those two together! :cool:

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