....not salted fish recipe: baccalà with milk.

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Senior Cook
Feb 13, 2006
Milano, Italy
4 codfish pieces, about 600 grms, washed and unsalted, red radish 150 gr., endive 150 gr. 5 salted anchovies, parsley, garlic, olives, milk, evoo, pepper....

Wash anchovies and mince with parsley and 2 garlic clovers. Put them in a casserole with half glass of oil in a low flame, and, when hot, add radish and endive in pieces, a dozen of olives, the codfish, three milk ladles (about 350 gr) and just a bit of pepper. Cover, and let it cook for about 45 minutes. Serve hot.
no necessary to salt it....:rolleyes:

baccala is so good, and you recipe is very Italian..anchovies, olives, "bitter" vegetables that mellow with cooking, garlic...the depth of flavor of this must be spectacular. thank you
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