Odette's Cream of Mushroom Soup

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I made this soup last night and took some pics along the way. I'll be making it again. It was very good.

My only real change was the mushrooms. I picked up some dried mushrooms from the town grocer consisting of shiitake, woodear and paddystraw. Dried is the only "fancy" mushrooms that they carry, so I used those (reconstituted) along with some crimini and was probably more around 18 oz of mushrooms rather than the 24 oz called for. It seemed to work well though, because until I got the stick blender out I was thinking it was going to be too thick. It was just the consistency I like after it was blended. The plus side to using some dried mushrooms is I saved the liquid for some risotto :) Also, I used some of the chicken broth to deglaze the skillet before adding everything to the liquid.
So here's the pics. A soup is born :chef:


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Looks wonderful!

My Mother always used a mix of fresh and dried mushrooms. It give a little depth of flavor. The sherry is a nice finish.
I made this soup last night and took some pics along the way. I'll be making it again. It was very good.

My only real change was the mushrooms. I picked up some dried mushrooms from the town grocer consisting of shiitake, woodear and paddystraw. Dried is the only "fancy" mushrooms that they carry, so I used those (reconstituted) along with some crimini and was probably more around 18 oz of mushrooms rather than the 24 oz called for. It seemed to work well though, because until I got the stick blender out I was thinking it was going to be too thick. It was just the consistency I like after it was blended. The plus side to using some dried mushrooms is I saved the liquid for some risotto :) Also, I used some of the chicken broth to deglaze the skillet before adding everything to the liquid.
So here's the pics. A soup is born :chef:

You can make my recipes any day Pac, you do them more than a little justice :)
Looks wonderful! I use whatever mushrooms are available, the ones I suggested are just the easiest to find here :) I don't measure anything ever, I just gave an estimate of the quantities as close to the amount as possible :LOL:
Thank you for the nice compliments and for trying my recipes :) You've really made me feel good!
That is a beautiful soup, Pac. I'm thinking of making some myself, need to pick up a couple stalks of celery.
Thanks Princess. Odette had a nice recipe to follow along.
That's important for someone like me who doesn't make a lot of soups.
And no "ingredient malfunctions" :LOL:
P.S The word punnet is no longer part of my vocabulary :LOL:

Why is that?
Once you told us how many shrooms were in a punnet, I don't think anyone had a problem with the term. It's good to learn others' descriptions for food items. Cuz ya just never know ;)
Why is that?
Once you told us how many shrooms were in a punnet, I don't think anyone had a problem with the term. It's good to learn others' descriptions for food items. Cuz ya just never know ;)

Well in that case, I'll punnet away :LOL: Just trying not too confuse anyone but since I have to learn all your descriptions and terms I guess you guys can learn mine too :)
Well if ya do rock up in Botswana with that bowl of soup, I live just past the 3 rd tree, 4th hut and left by the third goat ;)

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