Old Venting Thread

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buckytom said:
sc, i'm sorry about your day, but can we trade jobs sometime?

Sure, Tom we can trade jobs anyday. I think it would be fun to come and see what you do. I must admit that my job sure does have some great scenery and most of the time the weather is not that bad, you just have to dress appropriately to keep warm or dry, etc. For the record I did have long underwear and plenty of clothing but once your hands get cold it is hard to keep them warm.

kadesma, it sounded alot worse than it was. I actually had alot of fun. I just get frustrated when others don't do their jobs properly and I have to fix their mistakes. But, hey, nobody is perfect including myself. :)


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got caught raiding the halloween candy... by that little midget (also referred to as daughter, offspring, spawn, or cute pet names) that runs around my house that I always have to tell to quit sneaking candy.....
wahha shannon, what's that old saying..Then apple never falls far from the tree? Ya got caught with your hand in the cookie jar what?:LOL: Ah that's okay, just tell her it's your job as mommy to check for rotten and spoiled candy...Mine bought that for about 5 min..then I had to run for my life:ROFLMAO:

hmmm, and another one comes to mind also "Do as I say, not as I do"
I forgot that 'ol standby line
kadesma said:
wahha shannon, what's that old saying..Then apple never falls far from the tree? Ya got caught with your hand in the cookie jar what?:LOL: Ah that's okay, just tell her it's your job as mommy to check for rotten and spoiled candy...Mine bought that for about 5 min..then I had to run for my life:ROFLMAO:

Information Overload

OK, here's my rant.........

There's too much stuff to read, and I am a reading wiz, but I cannot hack all this stuff every dang month that comes into my house:

  • investment advice and info in the credit union statement
  • 'special edition" mini-mags with do-it-yourself projects
  • political manifestos from all of them who are running for office (it's gubernatorial election time here in VA)
  • handy home heating tips in the electric and/or gas bills
  • catalogs (how did I get on the list for THIS crap?)
  • the strangely folded insert that comes with all medicines that tells you all about the trials they did on the stuff and contra-indications and yada yada yada
  • the "articles" in the TV guide that comes with the paper
  • warranties and instructions for gizmos
  • the quarterly statements from the people who have my IRA
This is on top of trying to read a decent book now and again, the newspaper, the local newspaper, my cookbooks, and the stuff on the back of the cereal box in the morning when I'm too blind to read anything else.

And let's not EVEN talk about the Web (excepting this site, of course!).
hellschef said:
people who believe a restaraunt is a day care center and allow their "lovely" children to run amok.:mad: please sedate the chef.

A bit of "laughin' lucerne" instead of basil in the meal will do the trick :ROFLMAO:. Probably increase sales as well. :wacko: :ROFLMAO:
Taking a deep breath because I'm very upset... and I normally don't vent here. I had a doctor's appt today and he never showed up. I made the appt a week ago because he said he was in the process of moving (his home, not his office).After 10 mins in the waiting room, the receptionist hands the phone to me and says "It's for you." The doc said the moving people are there, he could leave in about 1/2 an hour. I blew! I told him that was irresponsible and unacceptable, etc. He agreed and apologized. I waited a another 20 mins, and the next patient came in - & said she had an appointment 1/2 hour after mine. He's already a 1/2 hr late. Doc calls again and says he's leaving and will arrive in three minutes. The patient and the staff said he is always late. I had a scheduled ride to pick me up, which I could not cancel. He asked (on the phone - his second phone call, if I could come back tomorrow. I said no and left. A waste of time!

On occasion I've had some problems with docs accepting motion pic insurance. He said he did, and seemed like a nice guy. Now I'm not sure what to do. TIA for listening to me grumble.
ooooohhhhhh grrrrrrrrr! And why can they charge you if you miss your appointment, but would they dare give you a credit on your acount? $^&^&#% no!!!!!!!!! Feel for ya, been there, sooooooo frustrating!!!!! :mad:
mish said:
Taking a deep breath because I'm very upset... and I normally don't vent here. I had a doctor's appt today and he never showed up. I made the appt a week ago because he said he was in the process of moving (his home, not his office).After 10 mins in the waiting room, the receptionist hands the phone to me and says "It's for you." The doc said the moving people are there, he could leave in about 1/2 an hour. I blew! I told him that was irresponsible and unacceptable, etc. He agreed and apologized. I waited a another 20 mins, and the next patient came in - & said she had an appointment 1/2 hour after mine. He's already a 1/2 hr late. Doc calls again and says he's leaving and will arrive in three minutes. The patient and the staff said he is always late. I had a scheduled ride to pick me up, which I could not cancel. He asked (on the phone - his second phone call, if I could come back tomorrow. I said no and left. A waste of time!

On occasion I've had some problems with docs accepting motion pic insurance. He said he did, and seemed like a nice guy. Now I'm not sure what to do. TIA for listening to me grumble.
He can't bill me because I didn't give them my Motion Pic card :-p But still, while I'm on the phone with him, the whole staff is nodding their heads in agreement with everything I said to him. I thought this guy would be better than Motion Pic's AWFUL HMO.

After treatment like that you need to vent, and thanks for sharing.

Now, you need to see the Doctor, do what I do for DW. Ring the surgery before you leave your home to find out the what's going on at the surgery, how far behind with their appts etc. Works for us.
His actions were unacceptable.

There used to be a restaurant near my little town that made wonderful food - a really fine dining establishment. They allowed no kids under 12. Some of the people in the area raised such a stink about their little "sweeties" not being allowed in, it went out of business. We are back to the "run of the mill" places now. If I were a parent of some of the children I've seen in places, I would hang my head. They run around, yell out like they were outside, use terrible manners and act like they've never been out of the house.
I have a child, and I there is no way, NO HOW she would ever act like that. Ok, I think she did once, when she was 4 or 5, and I took her to the restroom, and told her I was leaving her there to straighten up, and I was going to go eat my dinner, and she could come out when she was "done". Also, when did Walmart become a speedway? That is my BIGGEST peeve! Like I said earlier, I would really like to trip those kids that run around like maniacs, but seriously, it is there parents faults ultimately for not teaching them better. I have been known to um, speak up, within their parent's hearing distance.....
licia said:
There used to be a restaurant near my little town that made wonderful food - a really fine dining establishment. They allowed no kids under 12. Some of the people in the area raised such a stink about their little "sweeties" not being allowed in, it went out of business. We are back to the "run of the mill" places now. If I were a parent of some of the children I've seen in places, I would hang my head. They run around, yell out like they were outside, use terrible manners and act like they've never been out of the house.
and isn't a small child with a grocery buggy a danger to us all? I don't know what some of their parents have where their brains should be. My gs is 6 and I still don't let him push the buggy except with me on one side. He knows to behave well wherever we are. Of course he has been around mostly grownups a good part of his life, so that isn't all good either. He is a little more grown up than most kids his age, but has fun playing with them also.
licia said:
and isn't a small child with a grocery buggy a danger to us all? I don't know what some of their parents have where their brains should be. My gs is 6 and I still don't let him push the buggy except with me on one side. He knows to behave well wherever we are. Of course he has been around mostly grownups a good part of his life, so that isn't all good either. He is a little more grown up than most kids his age, but has fun playing with them also.
I sometimes wonder if the parents have been sitting on their brains all day!!!:LOL: I would be so hurt if someone thought my grandkids were brats for misbehaving...I feel we bring them into the world and it's our task to teach them right and wrong..So that people will look and them and think what nice children they are..In fact I had 18 month old Ethan out to dinner with me and DH, his mommy and daddy, he sat in his high chair and just ate all the veggies we gave him, drank his milk and asked nicely "more" for biscuit with jam..A lady who was sitting right behind me stopped at our table as she left and said " what a good little boy, how well he ate his dinner" Think I didn't glow all the way to the car???:ROFLMAO: Sure, but we try very hard to see that the boys are well behaved..And Licia,yours is grown up a little, but he is still allowed to be a child, he's just a well behaved child...That's cause you love him and want him to be liked and respected...So you see to it he behaves...We need more grandma's like you:)

I know I certainly wouldn't want to be around them if they were little terrors and if I felt I had to apologize for everything they did. My dil is a very good mother to our grandchildren. I never thought she would be such a family person when I first met her - but she really fooled me. Our little granson who is almost two calls me 'at ma". When he comes in the room and my son is talking with me he says "talk to at ma". He mostly repeats everything I say to him except when it is time to go, he always says he loves me. I can't wait to see them two weeks from today.
I don't need to vent very often, but tonight I need to VENT.

My latest class (working on my master's degree) was supposed to start tonight. I got an email a week or two ago confirming that I was all set. When I went to check out the class last night, however, there was no class. I contacted the school, and they told me that I am not registered in that class. Now for the reason why... I was not to have to pay anything out-of-pocket ever. The actual loan was for more than the classes, so I was to receive 2 checks, which could be used to buy a new computer or other things for school. I was to get the first half in June and the 2nd half this coming January. When the check arrived in June, it was for a lot more than I expected. I didn't know how much to expect though, so even though I was surprised, I figured they knew what they were doing. When I asked why I wasn't registered in my class, I was told that I owe too much out-of-pocket, and that I wasn't answering any of their emails, so they dropped me from the class. Well, in the first place I never got any of their emails. And in the second place, I wasn't supposed to have any out-of-pocket expenses. That is when I found out that the people in charge of the loan messed up and sent me too much. So now I owe almost $900 before I can finish my classes. She did say that I can make payments, but I have to talk to my financial aide counselor, who was in a meeting. She said the counselor would call right after her meeting. She didn't call. I am so mad! We will talk to her tomorrow, and we will arrange some sort of payment plan, which we can't afford right now, and in the long-run everything will be ok, but right now I am not a happy camper. :mad: :(

I did find out something while checking all of this out though. There is a possibility that because I teach in a poor district, I might be able to have most of my loan forgiven. I know at least one teacher at my school who did that. As far as my other classes, I have been fortunate. So far 2 A-minuses and 3 A's. This last class was a killer. I was really looking forward to the class that started tonight. Hopefully I won't be more than a week behind schedule.

:neutral: Barbara
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