Potato farmer holy grail: McDonald's french fries

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Potato farmer holy grail: McDonald's french fries - Yahoo! News

From the fields of Idaho to tasting rooms in suburban Chicago, potato farmers, researchers and industry representatives are in the midst of an elusive hunt: finding a new spud for McDonald's french fries.

Seven years have passed since the fast-food giant last added a new U.S. potato variety to three previously approved for its golden fries, something that both irks and motivates potato researchers who hope their progeny will be next.

Because McDonald's buys more than 3 billion pounds of potatoes annually across the globe, it has the power to dictate whether a variety sprouts or winds up in the less-lucrative supermarket freezer's crinklecut bin — or worse yet, banished to become dehydrated taters.

"It's a card game where McDonald's holds nine-tenths of the cards," said Jeanne Debons, the Potato Variety Management Institute's director.

I say Arby's has a better french fry.
I don't know, have you ever tried the fries at Five Guys? Oh my gravy are they good!!!! They don't even need catsup/ketchup. Every time I'm up at my sisters' place, we hit Five Guys for their burgers and fries. If they had chocolate shakes I would be in Heaven!!!

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