Staub 7qt Round

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Admiral of the Texas Navy
Moderator Emeritus
Jul 26, 2010
Republic of Texas
Sur La Table is closing out the mustard yellow color of Staub cast iron cookware. I picked up a 7qt Round Dutch Oven yesterday for $175 (lists for $300). Check your local store for remaining stock before it's too late.



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As an accent color I like it. A lot of my serving pieces have this yellow as an accent with tomato red and moss green. Using this as a casual serving vessel for soup, it would fit right in.
LOL. I didn't like it at first either. In the harsh store lighting it was garish. Once I got it home and in warmer lighting, it seems a bit better now.


For that kind of money, I'd suck it up and take it home too.

Think of it as 'butterscotch'.
I like the color, but I don't like the shape of the lid handle. Too much mula for me anyway.
I'll run right, Washington, 387.11miles away. Maybe I'll wait till tomorrow.
They've opened one near here recently! I went to one in Charlotte this fall for the first time and really loved the place! It's a bit dangerous having one this close though...

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