Summertime is Food Festival and Cookoff Time

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Last summer, SO and I had fun going to some BBQ and Chili festivals in New England. It's a nice day trip with good food and it's a foodie haven.

Here are links to the International Chili Society's Chili Cookoffs page and the Kansas City BBQ Society's BBQ Cook offs.

Consider attending one or more in your area. You'll have fun.
Andy, and anyone else -

I'll be competing at the Harpoon BBQ Contest in Windsor, VT on July 22 and 23. This is one of the biggest and best BBQ contests in New England.

Please stop by my site if you can make it. My team name is Back 40 BBQ. I would love to meet any DC contributors!

Here is the New England BBQ Society's contest schedule for this year


We went there last year and had a great time. We will try to get back there this year and stop in for a visit!

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