Sunday Special- Anatomy 101

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Sunday Special- Anatomy 101
1. Number of bones in the adult human body...
2. Number of vertebrae in the spine...
3. Names of the three bones of the inner ear...
4. More common name for the carpels...
5. More common name for the mandible...
6. More formal name for the collar bone...
7. The bone to which the ribs are attached...
8. Upper arm bone...
9. Body's longest bone...
10. More common name for the Hallux...
11. tissue that connects bones...
12. Science of skeletal bones...
13. Inhalation muscle...
14. Heart's lower chambers...
15. Where blood is produced...
16. Body's largest artery...
17. These join arteries and veins
18. Gland that regulates metabolism...
19. Female sex hormone...
20. Male sex hormone...

1. 206
2. 33
3. anvil, hammer, stirrup
4. wrist bones
5. lower jaw bone
6. clavicle
7. sternum (breastbone)
8. humerus
9. femur
10. big toe
11. ligaments
12. orthopedics
13. diaphragm
14. ventricles
15. bone marrow
16. aorta
17. capillaries
18. thyroid
19. estrogen
20. testosterone

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