What's cookin? Wed. 12/5/18

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My wife made cod persilade again tonight.

It was just as good.

Now, if she'd only make Shake-n-Bake pork chops, chicken parm, London broil, and her turkey meataballs every week, we'd be good to go.

I am a simple man.
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You know I looked at my post, and thought it might need a coma.but then I thought noones gonna raise it................. Except you,lols

Looks good, Kay, Casey, and Rascal. :yum: Everyone's dinners sound yummy.

Bucky...funny you should mention Shake N Bake - I bought a box of that on a whim a few months ago. Hadn't had it in decades and thought I'd give it a try for a quickie chicken dinner with Tyler. It was nothing like I remembered from my childhood and even Tyler didn't like it. :LOL:
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Aww, sorry to hear that, Cheryl.

It's pretty salty tasting for me, but I still love it. Gotta have it with thick, bone-in pork chops topped with apple sauce.

I dunno; maybe my wife - Mrs Mozart- somehow knows how to make it good, lol.
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Aww, sorry to hear that, Cheryl.

It's pretty salty tasting for me, but I still love it. Gotta have it with thick, bone-in pork chops topped with apple sauce.

I dunno; maybe my wife - Mrs Mozart- somehow knows how to make it good, lol.

It's definitely a blast from the past. :) Now that you mention it, my mom used to use it on pork and we loved it, and also had to have the apple sauce with it. I think the salt factor turned me off this time, my tastes have changed.

Mrs. Mozart seems to have the touch...things taste better when someone else makes them, especially when you're coming in from a long, long day at work. :wub:
...It was nothing like I remembered from my childhood...
I am finding out that things I enjoyed years ago no longer taste as good as I remembered. I don't think it's my taster, since an awful lot of stuff tastes yummy to me. It might be that the particular food has been so greatly modified over the years that it no longer resembles the original ingredients, or it's just that our palates have become more refined.

I'm going with Option B...;)
Looks good, Kay, Casey, and Rascal. :yum: Everyone's dinners sound yummy.

Bucky...funny you should mention Shake N Bake - I bought a box of that on a whim a few months ago. Hadn't had it in decades and thought I'd give it a try for a quickie chicken dinner with Tyler. It was nothing like I remembered from my childhood and even Tyler didn't like it. :LOL:


We have a product here called coat n cook. It's for potatoes for roasting. It's really good. My kids always ask for it.

Mrs. Mozart seems to have the touch...things taste better when someone else makes them, :

Absolutely! Isn't that a funny thing, though? Like when you smell a pot of whatever you're cooking all day, then don't really crave it when it's ready.

Still, she really does have a touch with cooking. And decorating.

and husbands...
LOL. yeah, I'm still teaching her how to cook.

Although, she taught me how to drive stick many years ago. (Her dad was a trucker.)
You know I looked at my post, and thought it might need a coma.but then I thought noones gonna raise it................. Except you,lols

I thought that was one of those strange southern cowpeas, that might have a different name, so I had to look at Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. 48 varieties, but no pumpkin peas.

Then I saw this post.
I learned 4 on the floor in an Austin 8 my neighbour friend owned about 47 years ago.Then when I was about 15 my friend and I used to drive his mk III zephyr with bald tyres in the wet all around the place sliding in and out of corners. I guess we invented drifting. It's huge here.

That's a man-card deduction. :ermm:

BTW, I still drive a stick daily. :cool:


Lol, man card? Are you 12 years old?

She taught me on her 92 Prelude. Great car.

I've been driving stick into NYC everyday since '94. A city cop buddy of mine referred to manual transmission as a theft deterrent since most scumbags today have no idea how to drive them
...Although, she taught me how to drive stick many years ago...
I had a crash course in standard transmissions when I bought my first car, a 1970 VW Super Beetle. I had just enough money to get either an AM/FM radio OR an "automatic shift". "Auto-shift" was basically the stick shift without a clutch. Well, it was 1970, Cleveland radio was hot, and WMMS was rapidly becoming the best station in the nation. I needed my music! So, I got a guy friend to ride up with Dad and me when we picked up my car. He took me up to the local shopping strip to practice after the stores closed (Monday nights in 1970 they were shuttered by 6:00 PM). Learned so fast, and felt so comfortable driving, that I drove into downtown Cleveland the next day for work! Busy roads, but not exactly NYC at rush hour. :LOL: Loved that car! Until the heater would fail. Every winter. And Himself was in the picture fixing the heater. In the freezing winter. We bought me a new car...

My SIL still has a stick - 2001 or '02 VW Golf? Jetta? I can still drive one - it's like riding a bicycle, except my balance in the car is better.
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