What are you baking today?

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Baked rolls for Philly Cheese Steak sammies today.


I thought they might not turn out as the recipe I used was from the net and really called for more flour than it probably should have, I had decided to use my bread machine for mixing and kneading and noticed the dough seemed quite stiff, I did something that would have been IMO difficult had I been kneading by hand ( and I bet the real bakers around here will be horrified). I added water, it was pretty gummy looking at first, but the machine got it into a smooth ball before the kneading cycle was finished, I still had my doubts that it could be saved, but it started rising nicely and less than an hour later it was more than double, So I went ahead and shaped and let rise again and baked. DH thought they were great. They seemed fine to me, so all was not lost :)
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bakechef said:
I've corrected "too stiff dough" plenty of times with added water, no harm done!

Oh BakeChef i am glad to hear that! I thought it was maybe a no no after the dough was already formed onto a ball. Good to know!

Thanks DL they weren't to bad!
Another cake order i completed today.Again red velvet with cream cheese frosting...and some herb garlic parmesan rolls i made to go with tonight's pasta dinner...


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I never had lox. I think I'll buy a vacuum package of them some time. That's all they have around here. Or maybe I'll make my own.
The next order safely dispatched, a graduation cake made by me :)


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We have been baking every night this week for Christmas candy sales; Pecan tarts, Marshmellow caramels, Nut clusters, Almond bark, Peppermint bark, Scottish toffee, Russian teacakes, Fudge & Bing bars.
The house smells great! I just pulled a loaf of Christmas fruit bread out of the oven. When it cools I will glaze it and decorate it with some candied fruit. :chef:

Then I will stare at it every time I walk into the kitchen. :pig:

Please Christmas don't be late! :yum:
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