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Took a half day off. Cleaned off the dining room table that was piled with DH's tennis stuff and various and sundry other items that need to be elsewhere, and not be the first thing a visitor sees when we open the front door.
Got the call from the doctor - am officially off the aspirin and will stay on the blood thinner unless things change. Happy to have something sorted out!
Took a half day off. Cleaned off the dining room table that was piled with DH's tennis stuff and various and sundry other items that need to be elsewhere, and not be the first thing a visitor sees when we open the front door.

Why do dining room tables catch all the crap of life? :angel:
I woke up this morning in a good mood. Slept 12 hours straight. Was so exhausted after yesterday. Started to putter around the apartment taking care of small chores. Then out of the blue, a migraine headache. Just yesterday I told the doctor migrainis were no longer a problem. I spoke too soon. I knew instantly it was from dehydration. So I got my meds together and downed them with a bottle of water. About an hour later the heaving started. Only this time, last night's supper of a roast beef sandwich that my son brought me, left me. Then bout two. A real beaut! By the time bout three started, I was getting concerned. I have never gone beyond bout two. So I decided to take my vertigo pills. One sort of worked. Took a second one an hour later. That one made me sleepy. Slept for 2.5 hours. I am feeling a little shaky, but fine otherwise.

In a little while I am going to cook up a mess of fried onions and liver. Anyone care to join me? I need to build up my system for the surgery. Will be drinking plenty of water so they won't have a difficult time find an vein. :angel:
Trying to figure out what to make for supper, probably hamburgers.................Liver & onions not a favorite here.

You take care addie. I hope you are feeling better very soon.
I woke up this morning in a good mood. Slept 12 hours straight. Was so exhausted after yesterday. Started to putter around the apartment taking care of small chores. Then out of the blue, a migraine headache. Just yesterday I told the doctor migrainis were no longer a problem. I spoke too soon. I knew instantly it was from dehydration. So I got my meds together and downed them with a bottle of water. About an hour later the heaving started. Only this time, last night's supper of a roast beef sandwich that my son brought me, left me. Then bout two. A real beaut! By the time bout three started, I was getting concerned. I have never gone beyond bout two. So I decided to take my vertigo pills. One sort of worked. Took a second one an hour later. That one made me sleepy. Slept for 2.5 hours. I am feeling a little shaky, but fine otherwise.

In a little while I am going to cook up a mess of fried onions and liver. Anyone care to join me? I need to build up my system for the surgery. Will be drinking plenty of water so they won't have a difficult time find an vein. :angel:

As a child, when our mother made liver and onions we were not allowed to leave the table until we ate it all, so I used to put it into my mashed potatoes to get it down.:ermm:
As a child, when our mother made liver and onions we were not allowed to leave the table until we ate it all, so I used to put it into my mashed potatoes to get it down.:ermm:

I have never been one to force a child to eat everything on their plate. My rule was you had to eat half. My youngest daughter hated peas with a passion. So I gave her two. One on her plate where she could see it and the other in mashed potatoes. She still managed to find the hidden one. :angel:
My mum never forced us to eat anything. But, you had to taste it. She was creative with consequences of not eating something. Since my sister and I were big time meat eaters and less so about veg, if we said we were full, we had to leave some of everything or no dessert.

Once, we wouldn't finish our oatmeal. She said fine, I'll fry it up for lunch - and she did. We always finished our oatmeal after that. I don't know why we didn't want to finish it. We liked oatmeal.

My mum said she would never try to force a child to eat. The kid can just keep his/her mouth shut. That just teaches the kid that they can have power over the adult. ;)
I'm scanning medical receipts and filling in insurance claim form. I should have done this a while ago. Looks like I will have to fill in two forms. At least I downloaded the form as a PDF and I can just type the info into the form.
I'm killing a little bit of time here. In a few minutes I will out the door to go to a Danish Club Executive meeting. We are just deciding on the soup, salad, and dessert for the upcoming Morten's Goose supper. We're having it at a new (to us) place that will cater most of the food that isn't the goose or brown potatoes.
I am sitting here waiting for pain pill #2 to kick in. If you remember I made a New Years resolutionj to stop being so stubborn. And this is part of it. I have made great strides in giving up being stubborn. But I am still trying to work my way through the pain in my leg. It just doesn't work. And there is no need for me to. I receive enough pain medication that I should never worry about pain again. I am supposed to take two Vicodin three times a day for pain. I was going all day on one. A 10 day supply was lasting me as long as 25 days sometimes. So now I take one as soon as I get up in the morning. I have taken the second one as the one just didn't quite kill the pain and I was still limping around the apartment. I should feel fine in about 30 minutes. Then I can get up and do some stuff around the apartment. I need to wash the silver in the sink. I have run out of clean forks. Once I get the pain to be gone in the morning, I am fine for the rest of the day. :angel:
Going to watch Vampire diaries in a few minutes. I think I'm addicted! We download it off the net but since season 4 is only showing on telly now, we have to wait like everyone else :(
I love vampire movies and shows but True Blood and Vampire Diaries are my favourites so far.
After that we'll watch a few episodes of Perception.
Just finished a great breakfast. Still sitting in my p.j's in the recliner, plans to go to the pool today.
So much for watching my shows now, Hubby and Son are watching some Star Trek or Star Wars Sci Fi nonsense!
Yay for DC! I get to bug all of you for a while ;p
My grandson who has been living in Paris for two years is home for a 2 week visit. I love how he can speak French now. My mothers grandparents came from France, so I told him that maybe helping him with the language. (-:

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