8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Seems to be linked to an isolated incidence in Turkey last year, i.e. not typically found in pomegranates?

Turkish Pomegranate Seeds Spread Rare Virus Across U.S. | Food Safety News
The pomegranate seeds mentioned above were not "manufactured." They came from natural organically grown pomegranates. They were part of a frozen "antioxidant fruit blend" that also contained certified organic cherries and berries. The virus likely originated in Turkey from someone carrying the disease, who in turn contaminated the raw seeds, which then sat dormant until the fruit was thawed and consumed. I used this example because it's similar to the way that e. coli is spread. E. coli originates from a contaminated source (poorly handled meat or fecal matter in groundwater) coming in contact with a food source and sitting in a semi-dormant state until it's consumed.

Most of these pathogens are not typically found in the foods they turn up in, but occur due to contamination from external sources.

I used a poor choice of words above by saying food "high in nutrition". What I was really searching for was a phrase that encompasses fruits, vegetables, cheeses, meats, and dairy without preservatives or additives to prolong shelf life. Maybe "non-processed" or something like that would've been a better choice of words, although I'm not sure that makes the point, either.
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Nice link GG. Just proves we can't eat anything. ;)

I look at it this way. Life's a crap shoot no matter what you do. I'm sure I'm going to meet my maker when that chunk of blue ice falls from the sky and woops me in the head.

Don't consume obviously tainted food but enjoy life while you've got it. It's too short to bother about the doom & gloom reported in the media these days.
Yes Zagut. With common sense about avoiding the most likely pitfalls, then I don't worry about selecting and eating food.

I do tend to shop for quality ingredients though. ;)
Nice link GG. Just proves we can't eat anything. ;)

I look at it this way. Life's a crap shoot no matter what you do. I'm sure I'm going to meet my maker when that chunk of blue ice falls from the sky and woops me in the head.

Don't consume obviously tainted food but enjoy life while you've got it. It's too short to bother about the doom & gloom reported in the media these days.

Creative asked for examples and I gave her some. That doesn't mean I avoid all those foods. If you read back to the beginning, you'll see I was skeptical of the original list.
2. The Farmer Won’t Eat: Corn-Fed Beef

Joel Salatin is co-owner of Polyface Farms and author of half a dozen books on sustainable farming.The problem: Cattle evolved to eat grass, not grains. But farmers today feed their animals corn and soybeans, which fatten up the animals faster for slaughter. But more money for cattle farmers (and lower prices at the grocery store) means a lot less nutrition for us. A recent comprehensive study conducted by the USDA and researchers from Clemson University found that compared with corn-fed beef, grass-fed beef is higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3s, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), calcium, magnesium, and potassium; lower in inflammatory omega-6s; and lower in saturated fats that have been linked to heart disease. “We need to respect the fact that cows are herbivores, and that does not mean feeding them corn and chicken manure,” says Salatin.

This is a bunch of baloney. I have a freezer full of corn feed beef and pork. This guy obviously don't know crap abut farming. Ive been raising cattle for 14 years and never once feed them one single soybean or one ounce of chicken manure. I dont know where he got that from.They get a mixture of corn, grass, and alfalfa. Sometimes wheat or oat straw and dry corn stalks for fiber.

You keep livestock far from chicken manure. We brought in a 100 head from out of state that were grass fed on a pasture fertilized with chicken crap. They started dropping like flies. They all got salmonella from the chicken crap. The state I live in cattle out number people 4 to 1. Ive been involved in agriculture all my life. I have not ever known anyone that feed soy beans and chicken **** to their cattle. I can also gaurentee every cattle producer has a freezer full of corn feed beef.
For another thing soybeans are worth twice as much as corn. Want to throw your profits out the window? Want greasy meat that the processor will reject? Feed soy beans.

Dariy cattle get a little soybean meal but that's a whole other industry.
2. The Farmer Won’t Eat: Corn-Fed Beef...

This is a bunch of baloney. I have a freezer full of corn feed beef and pork. This guy obviously don't know crap abut farming. Ive been raising cattle for 14 years and never once feed them one single soybean or one ounce of chicken manure. I dont know where he got that from.They get a mixture of corn, grass, and alfalfa. Sometimes wheat or oat straw and dry corn stalks for fiber.

You keep livestock far from chicken manure. We brought in a 100 head from out of state that were grass fed on a pasture fertilized with chicken crap. They started dropping like flies. They all got salmonella from the chicken crap. The state I live in cattle out number people 4 to 1. Ive been involved in agriculture all my life. I have not ever known anyone that feed soy beans and chicken **** to their cattle. I can also gaurentee every cattle producer has a freezer full of corn feed beef.
For another thing soybeans are worth twice as much as corn. Want to throw your profits out the window? Want greasy meat that the processor will reject? Feed soy beans.

Dariy cattle get a little soybean meal but that's a whole other industry.

Thank you for your input. As I mentioned in an earlier post here, that's a site with an agenda. They promote eating local so present any alternative as poison.

It's not true just because you read it on the internet.
There is nothing wrong with eating local. There are always teenagers selling sweet corn watermelons squash etc on the road side. I support it. Just don't support it with lies.
Ok I can see the soybeans. Looks like they were geared more towards cows and calves rather than feeder cattle. For those who don't know cows are the moms and feeders (steers and heifers) are sent to slaughter.
In early 2000s beans were cheap.Thats when your link was put out. They were in the $4 range (I looked it up to be sure) Now they are in the $13 range. Corn is in the $3 range right now.
The chicken poop thing left me speechless. WOW. Feed the poop from one animal to another? I know they make blood meal and bone meal from cattle but that's not poop. I am going to show this to my boss see if he ever heard about this.
Washing veg is one thing, but when there have been numerous reported outbreaks 'of foodborne illnesses' from having eaten beansprouts...I for one take note! Would washing the beansprouts rid of the bacteria? Is it that simple? The advice is to cook them which depletes the beansprouts nutritionally.
I don't eat beansprouts so I can't say.
Cattle in feed lots are fed lots and lots of weird things--whatever is cheap, has protein (chicken poo) and is transportable. Rejected candy is used in some places, and spent grain from the distilling process.
Cattle in feed lots are fed lots and lots of weird things--whatever is cheap, has protein (chicken poo) and is transportable. Rejected candy is used in some places, and spent grain from the distilling process.
Chicken manure may well have protein but it is also a waste product, i.e. not a 'pure'/wholesome food
The candy bar thing didn't work out so well. That was tried back in the 80s out here. Lots of people feed distillers. Its actually real good but one thing about it is it creates more manure and you have to clean the pens more often. There is a new thing out now I dont know the real word for it everyone just calls it liquid corn. ITs like a syrup. Has all the nutritional value of corn but its liquid. A by product of making ethanol like the distillers. If they need more fiber in the ration you add corn stalks that have near zero nutritional value. You put this liquid corn on and mix it up. We use to cover our silage pit with plastic to keep it from spoiling. All kinds of critters love a silage pile because its warm. Rats mice raccoons possums ect. We started spraying it with liquid corn it keeps better and no critters get in it. They don't like sticky fur.
More and more, I'm understanding why there are vegetarians.
Yes, with my acquired knowledge on food practises I should really go veggie....guess I am waiting for the right time/motivation - meanwhile, have to confess I do like eating meat and fish. However, I shop with care and do not begrudge spending more for quality food.
This is why I buy grass fed beef from a local place. The cattle have never been off the farm and I get a fact sheet with every purchase with information on the farmer who raised it. Yes, it's more expensive but I don't mind paying a little more.
This is why I buy grass fed beef from a local place. The cattle have never been off the farm and I get a fact sheet with every purchase with information on the farmer who raised it. Yes, it's more expensive but I don't mind paying a little more.

I'm with you.

I've cut way down on beef and source it more carefully.

Switched to a lot of fresh wild fish and (hopefully) humanely raised chicken.

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