Saturday, In the Park, What's on the Menu Today, 3/7/15?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 12, 2011
I'm making panko crusted chicken tenders, sides TBD. What's up with you?
I think I'm just going to order something for delivery this afternoon. I've narrowed it down to either Chinese or a taco salad from Pizza Factory. :)
Little cold and snowy for a picnic, Dawg! :LOL: The park will have to wait for us...

Meanwhile, we'll be having ham-and-beans-and-collard-greens. Warming food for a not-so-cold day. Kinda sad when temperatures still well below average start to feel "warm".
It was about 45 degrees here today, so I fired up the grill and made some burgers. The potato looking side is actually roasted daikon radish, tossed in olive oil and ancho chile powder. Not quite spuds, but not bad.

A new dinner with leftover rotisserie chicken, leftover marinated grilled veggies, frozen leftover pizza sauce. I have some frozen pizza dough and grated mozzarella so it's Calzones for dinner tonight!
Kayelle, I watched Sara Moulton's "Weeknight Meals" on PBS today and she said that nothing makes her happier than opening her refrigerator door and finding lots of leftovers to get creative with! I think we both can relate. ;)

Before and after shots of tonight's dinner. Next time (and there WILL be a "next time" :yum: ) I have to be sure to make a pan of corn bread too. Would be perfect.


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Good looking pics and great sounding dinners, all!

I ended up making a salad and a grilled ham and cheese to go along with it. Ate dinner, went to the recliner to finish watching a movie I started yesterday, and fell asleep. :ermm: Just woke up, going to try to finish that movie AGAIN. :LOL:

Don't forget to set the clocks ahead tonight!
Kayelle, I watched Sara Moulton's "Weeknight Meals" on PBS today and she said that nothing makes her happier than opening her refrigerator door and finding lots of leftovers to get creative with! I think we both can relate. ;)

Before and after shots of tonight's dinner. Next time (and there WILL be a "next time" :yum: ) I have to be sure to make a pan of corn bread too. Would be perfect.

I so agree with that CG. I hate to waste perfectly good food and it gets my brain in gear to make a new meal.

Love the look of your meal tonight..good country soul food.
It was about 45 degrees here today, so I fired up the grill and made some burgers. The potato looking side is actually roasted daikon radish, tossed in olive oil and ancho chile powder. Not quite spuds, but not bad.

Looks good, Steve. Have you tried celeriac or rutabaga as a potato substitute?
I hear you on the leftovers. We're in Clean-Out-The-Pantry-And-Freezer mode. It's like Chopped every day, lol.

Tonight is sous vided chicken breasts seared off in the Griddler, steamed cauliflower and broccoli, tossed in a little butter with some cheese scattered on top and a salad.
Made some really good meatballs with ground beef and sausage meat, smothered them with a kind of stroganoff/Swedish meatball gravy. Served over egg noodles.

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I happened to have a lot of beef and mushrooms. So stroganoff was the answer. This week has been both my husband's and my birthdays, so I've been trying to make every meal special. This was aided by a local restaurant owners' family treating us to a very nice dinner Friday.

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