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Me and my exacto knife. Hacking up my Dyson vacuum box for the most beautiful signposts anywhere. Well, maybe not so beautiful, but they'll be sturdy! And covered in duct tape. Because that's how I roll. And firing up the hot glue gun!

DC, here we come!
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Me and my exacto knife. Hacking up my Dyson vacuum box for the most beautiful signposts anywhere. Well, maybe not so beautiful, but they'll be sturdy! And covered in duct tape. Because that's how I roll. And firing up the hot glue gun!

DC, here we come!

Woo hoo, Dawg! You go, girl! With you in spirit!

I'm making an energy/snack mix to give to a friend who is going. Peanuts, cashews, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, cinnamon chips and chocolate chips. I'm going to put it all in the plastic peanuts jar and cover it with the official logo :)


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Woo hoo, Dawg! You go, girl! With you in spirit!

I'm making an energy/snack mix to give to a friend who is going. Peanuts, cashews, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, cinnamon chips and chocolate chips. I'm going to put it all in the plastic peanuts jar and cover it with the official logo :)

Hm. A snack mix sounds like a good idea, your recipe sounds great, GG! And thanks for the Canadian support, Taxy!

I am disappointed in my hot glue gun. It's pretty old, may need to get a new one. It fired up, but didn't squirt out any glue. Aileen's Tacky Glue will have to work for now.

Now to figure out how to fit the signposts and sign into my carryon bag. Thinking.
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Gotta pack. Wash hair, shave stuff. Cash checks for money.

Onward to DC, my sisters! DH and baby bro have been mansplaining all sorts of things. Gee whiz. How did I ever get to this age without you? Men. Humpf.
Gotta pack. Wash hair, shave stuff. Cash checks for money.

Onward to DC, my sisters! DH and baby bro have been mansplaining all sorts of things. Gee whiz. How did I ever get to this age without you? Men. Humpf.


I'll be with you in spirit, girlfriend! Can't possibly send enough kudos to you for what you are marching for. :flowers::wub::punk: Be safe!
Thank you, my dears! Hm. Thinking I might be defective. My earholes close up when any of my dudes start trying to mansplain stuff to me.

My Fran and I will figure this DC Women's March out!
Indeed. Closeable earholes are a benefit. And these dudes think women yack too much.
Of course they think that. It's a standard joke and belief in our society. But, when someone actually measures how much the women talk in a meeting with men, they don't talk nearly as much as the men and get interrupted more often.
I am trying like heck to get these kinks out of my neck! Himself was just massaging my sore spots with his icy-cold fingers. :ermm: The kneading felt good, but the temperature was wrong! Thinking of heading up to my reading chair and cracking open my new read while I sit with the heating pad wrapped around my neck.
Of course they think that. It's a standard joke and belief in our society. But, when someone actually measures how much the women talk in a meeting with men, they don't talk nearly as much as the men and get interrupted more often.

Puzzling, isn't it? I am easily bored. I close my earholes. My girlfriends and me, we can yack like crazy, and we interest ourselves. These unusual male things bore us.
Me and my exacto knife. Hacking up my Dyson vacuum box for the most beautiful signposts anywhere. Well, maybe not so beautiful, but they'll be sturdy! And covered in duct tape. Because that's how I roll. And firing up the hot glue gun!

DC, here we come!

Go Dawg!!!!! Can't wait to hear your report!
Im having a cold or the flu, not sure. I want to cook but everything taste old socks and rotten bananas.


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Neato, GG! I'll be looking for that peanut jar!

I'm trying to locate my Costco long underwear that I managed to hide from myself. It's got to be somewhere here.

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