What is your weather like right now?

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We got about an inch of snow yesterday, then a little melted. Just enough for a white Christmas-ish. You can still see a bit of grass poking through, but I'll take it.
We got about 2 - 3 cm of snow at my mother-in-law's place in Cornwall, ON. There was already snow on the ground. There's no rain in the forecast, so a white Xmas seems very likely.
I just checked the weather for tomorrow. Around 60F, mostly sunny, with a light breeze. Every year I hope for a little snow, but the last time was in 2011 and it hasn't even come close since then.
I just checked the weather for tomorrow. Around 60F, mostly sunny, with a light breeze. Every year I hope for a little snow, but the last time was in 2011 and it hasn't even come close since then.

You can always drive to the mountains.

It is 61F and (gasp) humid here in Houston at 5AM.

PF, I hit a few of those in the rental car when I was up there last month. You have to go a couple-hundred miles West of Dallas to find them in Texas.

BTW, it is 33F in Pampa, TX, and 66F in Brownsville, TX right now.

You can always drive to the mountains.

It is 61F and (gasp) humid here in Houston at 5AM.

PF, I hit a few of those in the rental car when I was up there last month. You have to go a couple-hundred miles West of Dallas to find them in Texas.

BTW, it is 33F in Pampa, TX, and 66F in Brownsville, TX right now.


If I left the front door open and the back patio doors, they'd be in my living room.:ermm: As it is, I hung a tumbleweed gate in the north yard to keep the bulk of them out of the backyard. They were packed in so tight last spring that it took me 3 days to get them all out.

Still no snow, but it's cooling off and the clouds are gathering.
It was a beautiful Christmas day here today. Around 60 and sunny, light breeze. We had the dining room slider door open during dinner, and pleasantly surprised with this beautiful sunset this evening.


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If I left the front door open and the back patio doors, they'd be in my living room.:ermm: As it is, I hung a tumbleweed gate in the north yard to keep the bulk of them out of the backyard. They were packed in so tight last spring that it took me 3 days to get them all out.

Still no snow, but it's cooling off and the clouds are gathering.

I drove through West Texas in a press vehicle -- biga$$ MercedesSUV -- and got into a wind storm. Between the blowing dirt and the tumbleweeds, that Mercedes needed to be buffed out when I brought it back. I'm just glad it wasn't mine.

Those things are nasty. The ones I dodged in Wyoming last month were less than 2 feet in diameter, which is probably about average for tumbleweeds. They were also pretty spread out. The ones I hit in the windstorm in West Texas were huge, and there was no way to dodge them.

Where I live, we don't have tumbleweeds... just hail. To be honest, I'm thinking maybe I'd rather deal with tumbleweeds.

I drove through West Texas in a press vehicle -- biga$$ MercedesSUV -- and got into a wind storm. Between the blowing dirt and the tumbleweeds, that Mercedes needed to be buffed out when I brought it back. I'm just glad it wasn't mine.

Those things are nasty. The ones I dodged in Wyoming last month were less than 2 feet in diameter, which is probably about average for tumbleweeds. They were also pretty spread out. The ones I hit in the windstorm in West Texas were huge, and there was no way to dodge them.

Where I live, we don't have tumbleweeds... just hail. To be honest, I'm thinking maybe I'd rather deal with tumbleweeds.


Last year or the year before (time flies) I had one the size of a Volkswagen roll into my lane. Must have been the year before, I was in the Subaru. I was worried I would hit it, but it rolled into the passing lane by the time I reached it. Glad I hadn't changed lanes to avoid it.

Today is 32F, to get to 37F and the wind is at 10 MPH.
If I left the front door open and the back patio doors, they'd be in my living room.:ermm: As it is, I hung a tumbleweed gate in the north yard to keep the bulk of them out of the backyard. They were packed in so tight last spring that it took me 3 days to get them all out.

Still no snow, but it's cooling off and the clouds are gathering.

When we lived in Aransas Pass in Texas, I would walk down to the water front on country roads. Those dang tumble weeds would come up behind me, and the back of my legs looked like something out of a horror movie. Of course I would always wear shorts, but I made sure the kids had on long pants.

Today it is 32ºF and sunny. No tumble weeds here in Boston, thank you.
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It has finally started snowing and will continue through Friday night. With lows around 0*F and highs in the 20's, it will be around for a while!


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Miserable! It took me over six hours to get home from Houston. The last 75 miles were in pouring-down rain. Cars were scattered all over -- off the road, slammed into guardrails, backwards on the Interstate. It took over two hours to go that last 75 miles.

The words Rain, Minnesota December are Incompatible and should not be used in the same sentence. However, much like circling the wagons, everywhere outside the 'Cities is snow, so I'm not complaining.
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