What is your weather like right now?

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Yeah, Christmas Day was about that but Boxing Day was the one that broke all the records. Dogs and cats were dying with the heat too. Horrid day. Thankfully, the heat dropped significantly today and the sea breeze came in after lunch, and surprisingly enough, it made it all the way out to the foothills, which is where I am. But Cath, please feel free to take the heat from my place anytime you like!!!! LOL 17C is very cold for Christmas though even in Tasmania!!

We have been on water restrictions for several years, and they have been the same ever since they were introduced, so we have not had to go thru the same problems you guys on the EC had last year and now that we have a desalination plant with a second on the way, we are unlikely to in the near future either. Dams are low but not unreasonably so. It was only a few years ago that Mundaring Dam (Perth's main source) was over-flowing.
Very cold here, about 35F. Supposed to get to about 25F during the night. The weekend is predicted to get to the single digits. So happy I made a nice safe, warm place on the front porch for our outside kitties.

Right now our big wood stove is heating the family room nicely.:)
I've been told over and over that it can get "too cold to snow". Gee, they should meet me here or in North Dakota. Somehow at well below freezing we managed to get 6 inches this week. Anyway, right now we're leaving our under-sink cupboard doors open, our heat up, and I'm still getting up at 3 or 4 a.m. to run water. So far no pipe freezes this year. Luckily I'm an insomniac with a geriatric dog who needs to go out at least once in the wee hours.
It's snowing in Small Town Mississippi...very little accumalation, but very pretty! Maybe 1/4 in. so far! A good friend told me I better gas up the snow blower!!!!:LOL:
26 this morning, high will be in the 40's. Had some snow yesterday, pretty little flakes. Melted as soon as it hit the ground, of course, but, it was pretty to watch.

OUCH Mikey!!!
We must be in the same neck of the woods Mikey...... weatherwise anyway

Here's what my weather's like.
And yes, it's that gray here and it's 11 AM :(
There wasn't any snow a few hours ago, but it's the temps that are going to get bad.


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We must be in the same neck of the woods Mikey...... weatherwise anyway

Here's what my weather's like.
And yes, it's that gray here and it's 11 AM :(
There wasn't any snow a few hours ago, but it's the temps that are going to get bad.

That is so beautiful!! I envy all of you that get snow every year.
Right now, it's 36 degrees F and raining - supposed to turn to snow this afternoon or early evening, with 2-4 inches of accumulation, depending on how far from the ocean/bay you are. We might get down to the single digits tonight - first time since 1994, according to the paper. DH went grocery shopping this a.m., so we're set :) Not going out again till at least Monday.
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