2022 Edition - What are you baking?

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Thanks @taxlady. And just think, this is nothing, compared to what I used to bake, but then I had a lot of people helping me, and a lot more people I was giving cookies to. I estimated this was a little over 800, and some friends and I used to bake around 4,000 every season, usually over 2 days. One time, just to see if we could do it, we baked everything in one day - a little over 3,800! My friend's daughter was about 14 at the time, so she helped quite a bit (in earlier years she only helped a little, then watched TV), along with a friend of theirs, that wanted to see this setup she kept hearing about for baking!. I had a rack that held 12 of those cooling trays you see here, and we would get them filled eventually, and have to take a break to empty them into the tins. With more people, we didn't have to stop, and the extra helpers could do that. But eventually, after about 6 hours, the two ladys and the daughter would end up asleep on the floor, in front of the fireplace, and the two guys finished baking the cookies, finishing in a little over 8 hours. That was the only time we did that, and went back to doing them in 2 days.
Last bake of 2022! Happy New Year! ?
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