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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I've had this cheesecake recipe for New York style cheesecake for 15-20 years. I don't make it often as there are only two of us and the recipe makes a lot of cheesecake.

Also, I have struggled in the past with overcooking the cheesecake because stopping the cooking while the center is still liquid is counter-intuitive for me and I tend to overcook it.

A new level of precision has been introduced to my baking processes! The appropriate internal temperatures of properly cooked baked goods.

Now I know the proper internal temperature for a cheesecake is 175ºF measured an inch in from the edge and 155ºF at the center. I applied that information to the cheesecake I made for Mother's Day and it came out perfect. Smooth creamy texture and no cracks.

I'm still learning. . .

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