Crock Pot Baked Potatoes?

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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
Please forgive if I'm posting this in the wrong section! I looked around...

Anyway, has anybody made Baked Potatoes in their Crock Pot? I'm asking because we are RV Campers, about 7-10 days out of the month (in good times) and having a good alternative method of cooking baked potatoes could come in handy. There's only so much space in the Microwave/Convection Combo Oven and on the stovetop. I do carry a free-standing Convection Oven too...but that's useful for so many things, I hate to tie it up with a single potato dish?

We usually camp with another couple, family or even a larger group. Being able to say, "I can do the potatoes too" would be nice to offer.

So, what's your experience? Good, bad, ugly?
Thank you Katie! I'll save that one to try. I want to try them at home, before others are expecting a good dinner? If you know what I mean?
If you have an electric skillet with a lid, you can bake potatoes in that. When I was travelling a lot for work and staying in hotels, I used to bring a small electric skillet. I had to cut bigger potatoes in half to fit them under the lid, but it worked really well.
Made these for dinner last night. I used the low/longer way. I thought they were good, as did DH, but I think they could have cooked for a shorter time. For Idaho's, they were very golden inside. I think I'll try them again using the high/shorter way.
If you have a campfire, or fire ring, you can scrub the spuds and place them in th coals directly, or wrap in foil and put the into th coals. It makes really nice baked potatoes. Another great option is to slice the spuds, and put the into a foil pouch with some kind of meat, and a veggie, and sliced onion, seasoned, and with plenty of butter to make a foil pouch dinner. We used to do that with beef, chicken, or freshly caught fish (trout). The flavors somehow stayed separate. The foil pouches were place into the campfire for cooking.

If you have a camp, cast iron Dutch oven, you can place coals under, and on the lid to bake everything from potatoes, to chili, to cobblers, and cakes.

Just more ideas to try.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
If you have a campfire, or fire ring, you can scrub the spuds and place them in th coals directly, or wrap in foil and put the into th coals. It makes really nice baked potatoes. Another great option is to slice the spuds, and put the into a foil pouch with some kind of meat, and a veggie, and sliced onion, seasoned, and with plenty of butter to make a foil pouch dinner. We used to do that with beef, chicken, or freshly caught fish (trout). The flavors somehow stayed separate. The foil pouches were place into the campfire for cooking.

If you have a camp, cast iron Dutch oven, you can place coals under, and on the lid to bake everything from potatoes, to chili, to cobblers, and cakes.

Just more ideas to try.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

Thank so much Chief, for your thoughtfulness! I probably should clarify our "camping" trips...#1, we often camp when campfires are not allowed, or we're only allowed campfires contained (gas pit) with an off switch. That, and, really, to be honest...we don't "camp"...we "glamp". We have a few friends in our groups that do tent camping or they will rent a yurt instead of a camp site...but, what most of us do, is pull in, hook up the water and power and we're set up. We have our own bed, our own refrigerator, sink, shower, couch, TV, cable or satellite TV, dvd...well, you get the picture? Many years ago when our best doggie sitter moved to Ohio, we realized that we needed to find a way to vacation WITH our pups. Mikey (DH) asked me what it would take to get me to go camping again. I told him, I need a real bed, I need hot coffee in the morning, a warm shower and electricity for my blow dryer. He said, we need an RV! 3 RV's later, we have the very most wonderful and very perfect RV...and the company's motto is "Roughing it Smoothly". We do pot lucks and such, but they are cooked inside our rig or on the portable BBQ or flat top that we brought along. It is our kind of fun and we hope to be able to RV for many more years! We met some campers in So. Cal. that just arrived from Montana, once some time back. They were 90-something. He couldn't stand up straight, but he could drive his 40-foot motorhome!
Made these for dinner last night. I used the low/longer way. I thought they were good, as did DH, but I think they could have cooked for a shorter time. For Idaho's, they were very golden inside. I think I'll try them again using the high/shorter way.

Cook your baked potatoes to an internal temperature of 210ºF.

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