Deer Season Starts

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Master Chef
Oct 17, 2004
Southern Illiniois
The first deer season starts Friday morning, and Kim and the usual group will be spending the weekend hunting, eating and drinking beer (after the guns are put away).

All the wives send something. I've been requested to make Texas More again.
It's like a glorified slumgullion, but spiced up like my first MIL, a Cajun living in Texas, used to make it, with my own variations.

I'll use ground beef, a roll of hot breakfast sausage, tomato sauce, Bushes Chili Hot Beans, corn, maybe some Pace Piquante sauce, probably some green chilies, chili seasonings, and elbow macaroni. It all goes in a casserole covered with slices of Velveeta Cheese. They have facilities...a guest house there on the property.

I do make a tamer version loved by little children. It's more Italian style.

Our season just got over Consstance... thank goodness! Paul is gone way tooooo much when it's hunting season. He ended up with three deer and one bear this year. We're having venison stew for dinner tonight. Yummmmers!

Good luck to Kim and his friends. May you all eat well!
Deer mating season has started here. I see the evidence of over-ambitious suitors on the highway almost every morning now. Poor guys.
Wow, a bear! That's a lotta meat!
Pds, this is only the first of four seasons. Kim's signed up for all of them. He's allowed a total of 5 deer, one antlered. He usually gets his limit. My favorite are the younger does...I think the meat is sweeter and more tender.
Our deer feed mainly off the farmers corn and soybeans, so they're nice and fat this time of year.
Mudbug, we have deer so tame they mate and raise their little ones in my woods. Those are off-limits to the hunters. Anyway, Tuesday, a fairly young buck...6 pointer...was following around one of my does, right here in my back yard. He was sniffing and licking his lips...even rubbing his antlers on a tree-trunk...but she just wasn't ready yet.


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