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Heres a nice glass of cold milk for you Luvs. :chef: Thanks for stopping in! Hey are you going to your room or your staying out late? Make sure you get back in by 1am! :-p

i'm going to hang out in my room and read and watch some tv tonite, sush. how 'bout you?
thanks for the milk.
i have a curfew now, lol? my Parents took away my curfew when i was 18. i don't want one now!:cry:
*peeking head in door*
sorry i haven't been on
alot the past few days.
was with my dad over the
weekend. my mom's here
now for a week. so i just
wanted to poke my head
in and say goodnight to
you guys.
Here's a fresh pot of Godiva vanilla hazlenut coffee & a pan of still warm cinnamon pecan sticky buns with extra sticky! I'm off to sweep & mop the kitchen & bathrooms before my mom gets here. I'll see y'all later!
hello???? good morning! anybody up yet?
hmmmm..... guess not.
i'm soooooooo, so hungry. famished. (for real.)
i'm not in the mood to cook, though. guess i'll just order in some sushi and sashimi around noon. nothing good is open till then.
gonna go to my room and see my panda.
crewsk! Thanks for the YUMMY coffee and the rolls! What a great way to start the day! I'm off to work - hope you all have a great day...see ya later :)
Godiva Vanilla Hazelnut Coffee!
I think I'll take real cream instead of milk this moring!

Thanks Crewsk!

Luvs, how is your panda? Didn't I see it wearing a red scarf yesterday?

Anyone in the mood for biscuits and gravy? I sure am!
I'll make enough so everyone can at least have 4 or 5
Please do!
I'll make the gravy, you make the biscuits.

Let me chop up some cantaloupe to go with these strawberries too.

I need more coffee!
OMG, my kids are driving me BATTY today!!! I think they got WAY too much sleep. Must go run them in the sun for a while to settle them down. BRB.
*Thier sticks her head in the door* Hi, gang! I'm out the door for a while. Have a great day! *Grabs a biscuit, sops it in the gravy, and takes off...Puff puff...*
I'm back!! Boy did my mom have fun finding clothes for me at the thrift store today. I went in the dressing room to try on one pair of jeans & she kept bringing me more stuff to try on. If it fit she grabbed it & said that she'd get it for me. I wound up with 2 pair of Gap jeans for $3 each, 3 pairs of capri pants for $2.50 each, 3 shirts for $2.50 each, a brand new set of king sized sheets with matching dust ruffle still in the original package for $5, & a hardback copy of Jeff Smith's Frugal Gourmet for $1. She also found some really great deals for herself & got the kids a couple of toys. Lunch was good too. We went to Hot Diggity Dogs & I had a Frito pie, it's Frito's topped with chili & cheese, & a Twix ice cream thingy. When she got to my house this morning, she had a gray t-shirt like material gown & a set of pinch, smidgen, & dash measuring spoons for me that she got when they went to Sugar Mountian last week.

I'm beat now though! Think I'll go down to my room & flip through my cookbook. If anyone needs anything just hollar!!
That's what I was thinking jkath! I had gone in expecting to buy my own stuff & mom wouldn't let me. I love her & really appriciate it but it bothers me too. Well, I'm off to start supper! See y'all later!:)
My mom's the same way, crewsk and I know just what you mean. There's no telling them "no" when they don't want to hear it, is there?!? I can't imagine what mine's going to be like with the baby! :rolleyes:
Just got back from lunch. I'm off to look for something funky to wear to an open mike tonight at a local restaurant and then I'm going to leave my cv with a local performing arts academy. Gradually picking up students; fall should be better, when kids are getting back into learning mode (one hopes!). Crewsk, it sounds like your mother loves you a lot but is pretty assertive when it comes to buying you things! Knowing you, I'm sure you handle it with grace; that would be hard, though, when you have to accept things that may not be to your taste. You get a pat on the back for patience. *Pat pat pat.* :)
PA, she's even worse with the kids!! You're right too, there's no telling them 'no'. Last time I did that, she said, "I'm your mother, let me be happy."

Theis, thanks! My mom pretty much knows my taste in clothes & lets me have the final say in whether I like something or not. I'm lucky she's like that.

Well, I'm not cooking supper tonight. Hubby called & wants to have pizza delivered to give us both a break tonight.

Maidrite, here's an extra thick bacon cheeseburger with all the fixin's, fries, & your tea. Hope you enjoy it!
Oh, I see...You just didn't want her to pay for it. But we moms love to spoil our kids! It's a mom thing, right? She wouldn't be doing that if you weren't an outstanding daughter.
Hey Crewsk! Youre NOT wearing your hardhat! What gives?? :mad: And the construction crew didnt do SQUAT!!!! Bang!! Whats GOING ON!!???? :mad: There is old dough in the mixer and tables that havent been cleaned up!!!! :angry:

This is a CAFE!!! Not a free for all! *stomping into office* (SLAM!!!)
Sushi, when you get mad, your ears turn kinda purple and you get those wrinkles around your eyes. Now, take these <<handing Sushi some fresh cucumber slices>> and put them on your eyes and have a seat in the massage chair.<<turning on chair>>
Now, let's give you a facial while we're at it.
<<Mashing avocado>> Here's a good skin treatment for those wrinkles, sush.
<<turning on Bob Marley>>
Ah yah, mahn...we're jammin

Anyone else need one?
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