Does uncooked rice on the self spoil over time?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I have unopened packages of rice that have been sitting there for years. Always assumed rice was a staple of long shelf life. Am I wrong?
Yes, Andy, rice is a good armageddon food. It lasts a very long time, if you keep it dry and keep bugs out of it. I store mine in a large Tupperware type container, and have sometimes kept it for years.

White rice that has been stripped from bran can be kept for a very long time on the shelf in sealed containers. Can't say I cooked, served, or ate myself rice older than 1 year, but then again, I have no idea how old was the rice before packaging either. Theortically it can go up to even 20 years if stripped down from bran, cleaned, dried then vacuum sealed in a low temperature enviroment (0° C / 32° F).
Brown rice or wild rice on the other hand has a very short shelf life.
Yep, white rice last very very long
Brown rice can get rancid.
Just beware of weevils!
I have some brown basmati that we bought at the beginning of the pandemic, early March 2020. It has a slightly stale smell before it is cooked, but it is fine once I cook it.

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