Expired stuff in your fridge

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The list of weird things found the fridge, 1 birthday candle, 1 toy shoes, 3 lolliepops stuck together, 1 bottle of moldy taco sauce, 1 expensive beer ( YAY) ,3 rotten carrots and a slice of salami frozen to the back. My husband has now promised to help more, me getting ill meant the fridge got forgotten.
As George Carlin once pointed out,

if the carrot is just wimpy and pliable, throw it back in the fridge, it's not rotten enough to be thrown out yet.
This one was begging for mercy... I have actually cleaned a kitchen where the bag of carrots started moving... Do I need to say more?
:D We've all done it. :LOL:


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" What did you just throw out? Dont know, but when I open the lid, I heared screams of terror."
A big fat marker is easier to read than use-by dates which are often small print and located in various places. Placing the bought-on date on the UPC makes it easy to find.

That said... ;)

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