Good and Bad holiday stories for this season?

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Master Chef
Sep 4, 2004
Galena, IL
Here is for this year. What has been happening in your life? Good meals, bad meals; good things that have happened, bad. Stuff you've heard about that is new.
My absolute favorite is the trend of people paying off others' lay-aways. My mom bought much of what we had on lay-away when I was young (60s). She had 4 young daughters, and the credit card thing hadn't really started then. So it was Lay-Away. You put a down payment on an actual item, and when you paid for it, it was yours. Not really credit, since if you missed a payment, you lost it all. (sort of like buying a house, if you think about it!). But at least you were not in debt for eternity. But I truly love this trend of people going in and paying off others' lay-aways. It is something that makes me feel good.
This one is much closer to home, like right in our living room...

I had told Shrek I wanted a certain wool cape for Christmas. It was a bit out of our price range, but he said after he got his Medicare payments done we could see if I could get it. Today the After Christmas sale e-mail showed up and wonder of wonders, the Cape I wanted was on sale 50% off. Shrek ordered it for me and I should have it by the end of the week.
We had a heart-breaking Christmas...heard at 10 am that a good friend died instantly (and suddenly) of a massive heart attack...his daughter & son in law applied cpr immediately until the ambulance arrived but never got a response...he was a heavy smoker and coughed and hacked all the time....Everyone....PLEASE stop smoking!!!
The grandsons were the best behaved children you could imagine this Christmas! Such wonderful times! Christmas evening we were invited to a friend's house, and there were lots of people there-all adults except our two boys (three and almost six years). The hostess is in her 80's and has no great grandchildren of her own. Our oldest grandson sat right with her for the longest time and shared with her all of the things he did at both grandparent's houses for Christmas, what he is doing in school, and many other happy things. She was so happy and said that she had a great Christmas because of him. God works in mysterious ways.
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