I lost my brother

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SO sorry to hear of your loss, there is little to do or say in a time like this that is honestly comforting, but know that you have a lot of people wishing you and your family the best in this time of tragedy.
Just wanted to thank you all so very much for the kind words. It's hard right now. I wasn't aware that I had so many DC buddies. Thank you.

I just woke up. Didn't sleep well. Woke myself up crying in my sleep.
I don't know where to go from knowing to planning. Or how to approach his ex wife about making the arrangements. My mother forgot who I was for a minute yesterday. She snapped back into things and was trying so hard to calm me down. Feel like an idiot now. I'll get with my sister today. If he left a note, I don't know. Just know how the deed was done. It's breaking my heart that he had sunk so low, that's not his personality at all. It never was. He was always smiling willing to help you out if you needed it. A real go getter!

My hearts heavy. Especially when I think of the kids and what will happen to them?
Gotta fly. Can't talk about this without tearing up.

I'm so sorry too. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Saying prayers for you and all who knew and loved your brother. May God hold you all closely during this awful time.
I am so sorry. I simply cannot imagine losing one of my sisters this way (I did lose a cousin to suicide). It breaks my heart. I'm thinking of you.
Munky, I am so sorry for your loss Our prayers and thoughts are with you
I know there is nothing any of us can say to make it better. Just know that we care.

Things have been going from bad to worse. I'll get by, move on and deal with my own grief alone, in my own way.

The Black widows are busily spinning their webs. He apparently had remarried, and was going through his 2nd divorce. Those 2 now are fighting over who gets what from insurance, SS, bank account. Right down to the services. It still hasn't happened. His obituary in the paper wifey #2, wrote. She didn't even make sure his name was spelled correctly. She had nothing to say " In memory of, nothing!"

My main concern was for the kids, how are they doing with all this? Wifey #1 called me, have yet to hear anything from #2. My sincere effort to extend to her help in any way was manipulated. Her concerns about her kids welfare was to try and drag me into the family drama that I've had no part of in years, to get material things from Wifey #2. Who had at the time refused to jack with my brother until she see's some money. I'm not getting into anything for anyone. Your adults. Grow up and deal with it on your own, has been my attitude! If you've got the time, energy to bicker, your more capable then I am to get what your blood sucking souls needs. I won't help you!

I was told this morning that possibly after the holidays they would hold a service.
Frankly I think it's a little too late, afterthought. Both wives now know where I stand, and that I won't be in attendance. I don't like the drama that's been happening. I haven't taken this well at all. My BP has been fluctuating too high. It's not in my best interest that I expose myself to all that.

What a mess. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of that. You are well out of it all. Those moms can look after the kids. They sound like they are well able to manage things! Maybe not in the right ways, but the kids will be looked after. I'm saying a prayer for your peace of mind Munky. Just breathe and rest. Love and serene thoughts coming your way.
Stay strong, Munky. It's so sad that some people have to resort to this. Bless you for thinking of the kids.
That is just so sad. Sad, sad, sad. Not only to have such a terrible loss but to have it compounded by others. Try to find some happy memories to keep in your heart and know that I am so sorry for all you are going through.
those sister-in-laws are piling some heavy toxic stuff on you that you are wisely side-stepping. spending time with your immediate family, your sister, your mom, is who you are there for--and for the memory of your brother...soon you will return home to your husband, and your home. peace to you, munky....
Munky, I was out of town when you first posted about your brother or I would have responded at the time. I just wanted to add how very sorry I am for your loss, and sorry too for what has transpired in the following days.

I also lost a brother to suicide many years ago, and like you with your first brother, I still miss him every day. I can't even imagine the horror of repeating such a terrible loss with a second brother. My mother was nearly destroyed by the suicide of her son........it's just unthinkable for your mother and you to have to go through this again. As you already know too well, this is a unique kind of grief like no other.

As for the two wives, you're doing the wise thing by removing yourself from them.

Sending you healing thoughts and prayers.
In times of trouble, people tend to show their best and worst. Keep your chin up Munky!

Don't grind yourself up with worry, just remember who is who and deal with it later, after the pain and sorrow fade a little.
Char, you've done the right thing. Rest easy honey you don't need to deal with a mess like this. Your own health can't suffer you have those who need you so please ignor the 2 mom's. They are perfectly capable of taking care of the children now and you know they can. Please,please take care of YOU and let them tend their own. prayers for you, your mom and above all your brother. hugs Char.

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