Mudbug's Hot Tub for Refined Ladies Who are Kind to Animals

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hi, Alix, nice to have you back and I'm happy you're feeling better.

I'm glad you weren't here to see the carnage. You would've been sicker. I love your "licking" payback attack. Subtle, invisible and sneaky, sneaky, sneaky! I like sneaky.

We pretty much had to get a whole new staff because they were so appalled at the mess and the guys' behavior that they just up and quit. But, you're right, I think that's Goodweed trying to spy on us.

I think the other guys have sent him here to do some recon work on what we might be up to next? Bad, bad boys!

We hired a special dessert chef who specializes in cheesecake just for you. He's already whipped up a doozie of a raspberry cheesecake with a divine raspberry coulis. Hope you like it!

Oh, boo hiss! I thought I saw Buck lurking in the bushes over there. I thought I had him occupied at home putting a box of frosted flakes together. I told him the box with the tiger on it was a puzzle. :mrgreen: I figured it would keep him busy for a good long while. The goofball probably ate the stuff instead. I'm going to have to get more creative with his distractions.

Oh, that cheesecake looks divine. I'll join you with a piece. Yum!!!!

Wonder if anyone of the other girls will join us. It's really comfy here today!
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Hey mudbug, maybe we could sic your daughter and her crew on the boys???

Katie, that cheesecake chef IS Goodweed if I am not mistaken. Y'know though, he is behaving himself and he really DOES make a divine cheesecake so I'm going to let him stay. I sent Helga the Health Inspector in there to keep an eye on him to make sure nothing "unusual" goes into any of the food.'s your vat of whiskey, bottom's up girl. Trust me the day will look better thru the bottom of that glass. And get rid of that tablecloth, its ruining your 'do.
Helga the Health Inspector is a grand idea. We don't want any licked spoons...or worse.

Ah (slipping down into the comforting, bubbling water), this feels awesome. I slept funny on my right shoulder last night and this might be the ticket to help it feel better.

Oh, by the way, we won't have to worry about Buck for at least an hour. He just left to go to his monthly city council meeting. I saw the agenda and it looked like there were enough items on it to last at least that long. You have any idea where Bucky and Ronjohn are? They were part of the mayhem, too, if I remember correctly.

Glad you like the cheesecake. I think I'd like another piece. Oh, something to drink? What goes with raspberry cheesecake? Champagne. I know I sound like a broken record. Fill 'er up! Ahhhhh! That's bass!
Alix said:

Oh Mr Chef? Could I have some raspberry topping for my cheesecake please? *Goodweed, that a fake mustache you're wearing?*

Fake mustache! I'll have you know that this mustache has been shaven once since I was 20 years old. It's older than most of the people I work with.

:blush:Oops. I've given myself away. But know this ladies. I may like to spash around, and pull the occasional prank, but I felt bad about the mess. There is no hidden agenda here. I just wanted to make up for things getting out of hand. That's just the way I am.

And Alix, shame on you. I would never stoop to giving another person an illness. That's just mean.:angry:

You will get your cheesecake, and it will be the best that I know how to make. But I was willing to do much more in the line of cooking until I found out that you purposely spread that cold around. Now, when I'm finished with the cheesecake, I'm going back to the He-Man-woman-Hater's Club and make some good chicken and dumplings for the men.

And I will expect and apology. (Muttering to himself - Germ warfare. She used germ warfare against us. No wonder most women prefer the company of men. At least our pranks are harmlress...

...Well, maybe we were a bit rough on them. They were just trying to relax.)

OK girls, a simple apology will be sufficient. I won't even tell the guys where their cold came from. But you must promise to never do anything like that again. And if you make that promise, I promise never to instigate shenanigans against you. After all, your are my freinds, and are usually absolutely incredible people. Maybe we can all learn from this. Maybe I took things too far. But maybe you did too. I say that we all bury the hatchet and get together for a grand feast and celebration, with dancing, music, a luau (sp), and maybe a good ghost story or two around a blazing bon-fire. whatcha say?

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
OK girls, a simple apology will be sufficient. I won't even tell the guys where their cold came from. But you must promise to never do anything like that again. And if you make that promise, I promise never to instigate shenanigans against you. After all, your are my freinds, and are usually absolutely incredible people. Maybe we can all learn from this. Maybe I took things too far. But maybe you did too. I say that we all bury the hatchet and get together for a grand feast and celebration, with dancing, music, a luau (sp), and maybe a good ghost story or two around a blazing bon-fire. whatcha say?

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North[/quote]

Alix, mudbug...Does this litte syrupy apology seem a little suspicious? And, the fire thing? I'm not so sure. It might be my suspicious nature, but I think they're up to something. Remember Buck in the bushes earlier? Hmmmm!
Hi ladies. I'm back. Want a bite of my tiger? He's cute, isn't he? Just a bit crunchy, but cute. Don't splash any water on him. He likes milk better.
The last puzzle Katie gave me to do said 5-7 years on the box and I completed it in just TWO WEEKS. Pretty good, huh?
Goodweed told me to come over here and distract uhhhh ENTERTAIN you until he's done doing whatever it is he's doing. This is such a cute tiger. I think I'll name him Hobbes...
BUCK!! Give me a great big kiss!! *SMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOCH*

Goodweed, you're right, this was a particularly virulent strain of...I dunno. I'm sorry. Don't use your utensils until you sterilize them. And YOU get the apology because YOU saw the error of your ways. I'll even invite you into the hot tub if the other girls agree (gotta vote y'know). Oh, and here's a little present you might want to offer Buck *handing Goodweed some Cold FX*, he's going to need it. He came over here plotting again so all bets are off. No Geneva convention here.

Hiya Katie, I'll have some champagne, I think that would be just the ticket to soothe my throat. Oh, I should warn you about your husband...he might need some chicken soup in a couple of days. Sorry Katie! I forgot YOU would be the one looking after him! *forehead slap*
Oh, Alix. I tried to communicate to you from Buck's site, but he caught me and I just got out by the hair of my chinny, chinny, chin, chin. Whoa! That was a close one. :(

Yeah, well, I have ways to handle Buck when he feels icky! Never mind. He's never figured out my secret. No kissy, no huggy, no... Whatever, you get the idea. And don't let the "tiger" thing get to you. He's always trying to prey on everyone's hearts. It's still just a box of sweet cereal.

Oh, mudbug, glad to see you stayed. I know you were out of sorts, but isn't it nice to lollygag in this hot tub and be pampered? Nothing's better! Have another drink! Bottoms up!!

More cheesecake, champagne,
OK, I ache all over. Its amazing what a workout your abs get from coughing. *sinking into the tub* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oh Pierre, nice to see you too, could you be a dear and bring me a cup of China White tea please? And some madeleines? Thanks so much.

Anyone else here this morning? Want to join me?
China White tea please And some madeleines

Oh, that sounds so nice. It's nice to see the area cleaned up. A whole lot has gone on since I've been here, on the day of the 'MESS'.

Goodweed is doing the talk but I'm wondering about where he's going to bury the hatchet...and why don't we have the bonfire at their place in case it gets 'out of control'. :rolleyes:
Pierre! More tea and madeleines please! Thanks.

I'm not a big bonfire person, but I think if its going to happen it should be over there. I'll stick around here and "guard" the tub.
Ah! (Slipping into the warm water.) Hi Alix, Jan. It started out sunny at my house this morning but, now, it's clouded up and gotten breezy. Gave me the incentive to hit the hot tub.

Yeah, it looks really beautiful here since it was cleaned up from, as you put it, Jan, the "mess." I'll bet those guys had lovely rooms when they were growing up. Oh, I guess I said that wrong. They haven't grown up yet, have they?

I know what you mean about G'weed. As I said yesterday, I'm a little suspicious. Good suggestion about the fire, too. Definitely NOT here. I know what a pyromaniac Buck is, which is even more reason to have it at their place.

How's the tea and the madeleines? I think I'd like some chai and an ooey-gooey sticky bun. Do you think the chef has any in the kitchen?

Boy this water feels good! (Slipping down until the water is at chin level.)
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..snort! *wiping stuff off chin* Whoa, I fell asleep in here! Awwwwwww, Pierre tucked a floaty ring around me, how nice! Big tip for you. Girls, I'm done in, heading to bed for the night. Ciao.
Whoa, Alix, you really are relaxed!! You make me want to get that loose. How do you do it? Please share your secret. You look so comfy that I think I'm gonna have to get out, too, and go home to my nice cozy bed. Ahhhh! Phooey! I'm about to doze off. Is there a law about "sleeping and driving," because I certainly haven't had anything to drink!

Night! Night! Sorry that mudbug didn't join us. It was SO relaxing. I think she'd be "washed" of her grumpy mood. Maybe tomorrow.
Boy, no one has refilled the tub lately!!!!!! It was suggested that I post one of these pics here (thank you Snoopuss!!). Hope y'all enjoy!!!! BTW, got plenty more of my favorite band if y'all want me to post some!!!
I need a soak and a neck rub...where are those sweet boys?

After working on my MasterCook and really getting it organized, it won't open my personal Appetizer cookbook. MC says that it can't find it.

I'm turning up the bubbles!
Hey, y'all. Mind if I join you. I sure need some relaxin' after what I just did. Stabbed a 'possum to death on my front porch with my Sabatier chef's knife. Son of a b**** has been annoying my outside kitties and eating their food for months.:angry: Finally cornered the sucker and took him out. Dang things sure have tough hide.:w00t2: And, no, don't anyone suggest recipes for cooked 'possum!

I'm a wreck. Where's the scotch?
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