My zoloft stories

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Executive Chef
May 19, 2011
va by way of upstate ny
i had been going through a rather bleak period of depression since the death of my mother late last year. my doc put me on zoloft this past june. she eased me into a low dosage, and after a few weeks, i was still only taking 50 mg. of zoloft once a day.

my depression remained unaffected, but in july i spent a couple of weeks, off and on, 'tripping' on the zoloft. or so i came to understand through my own testing of my perceptions of reality, and through detailed telephone conversations with my daughter during this period of time. testing myself was not easy, or very reliable either, as it depended on my ability to 'step outside' of my delusional experience (which was occurring in real time) and
attempt to critique it using my best logical and rational mind to question and probe. it was something like trying to escape from a bad dream, repeatedly trying, but failing....

at this point, i would like to know if anyone here has had any zoloft trips,or heard of any kind of hallucinatory experiences in connection with this antidepressant drug.

if there is interest in hearing a further detailed account of my zoloft trips, i will return to this thread and describe some of my weird travels and experiences--mostly occurring without my ever having left the sofa in my living daughter tells me my "symptoms" were as if lifted straight from the zoloft manual. i couldn't find much info on the subject online myself. i discontinued use of the drug three months ago.
I don't have a Zoloft story, but I am interested in hearing your experiences. Many years ago before anti-depressants became "popular" (for lack of a better word) I was prescribed a very (IMO) potent anti-depressant to treat migraine headaches. It kept me nearly zombi-like for months until I got used to it and even then I was not myself. Much of my memory from that time is either non existent or very cloudy. :(
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My Dr put me on Zoloft for Post natal depression after Caitlin's birth. Fainted with her in my arms when she was 1 week old, had arguements with my ex but couldn't remember them. Felt spaced out all the time too.
I stopped taking them and started using Biral instead, it's natural and you don't need a script.
I've taken 4 at a time and been fine but relaxed.
My husband also tried Zoloft and one morning while I was sleeping he was sitting at the edge of the bed just staring at me. Blamed me for things he thinks I said but I never did.
Won't go near Zoloft again of trepiline for that matter. It's just as bad.
Popular is right, Somebun.
I was prescribed some kind of anti-depressant a few years ago and didn't even realize it. I don't recall the name of it, but it might have started with a Z. Zoloft sounds familiar. I did not like the way it made me feel while driving. It seemed to affect my concentration. I stopped taking them when I found out what they were. I stopped seeing that doctor, also. I had only gone to him because I was feeling extra tired at the time. I thought he was giving me a pick me up, as in a mild stimulant. I wasn't depressed about anything, just tired.
Thankfully no trips here, but it did feel like I had half a buzz going on while driving.
i continue to have very mixed feelings about the effects of zoloft on me, as i vacillated between fleeing from the insanity and embracing it. it might be difficult to understand my strange fascination with zoloft, the compelling desire to keep returning for more--without first hearing about one soul-satisfying magical summer afternoon spent in reunion with my dead parents.

wow, the retelling of this memory is turning out to be harder than i imagined it would be, back in a bit.
I take Zoloft, no side effects. Stops me from crying every time I break a fingernail or my pen runs out of ink.

There are positives and negatives with any drug. It sounds like your moment with your parents was one of the positives. If Zoloft is doing a lot of "trippy" things for you, it might be wise to look at another antidepressant. Don't let the hope of another magical moment keep you at it. There are LOTS of drugs out there that can help lift you out of depression and not give you those side effects.

Whatever you decide, I'm glad you had a moment in the sun with people you love.
okay, let me just put it this way: spending that euphoric afternoon with my dad and my mom remains a precious and perfect slice of pure love personified, perfectly preserved in my memory for always.

my dad appeared, sitting at the kitchen table, wearing one of his constant polo shirts in blue and green stripes. i resisted the temptation to reach out and touch him, afraid he would disappear. this was my dad in his forties--a full head of chestnut hair, strikingly handsome, and the very picture of health. there was no near-blindness from the macular degeneration, no feebleness or infirmity, no debilitating heart disease.

mother was a beautiful sight with her pale blonde tresses, dressed in her signature pastels, reclining on the love seat. her feet were bare, her legs shapely and tanned, her step nimble--no osteoarthritis, no walker. she was full of smiles for me, with murmurings and intimate close nodding of heads with my dad....she knew and loved me fully, with beautiful, blue, expressive eyes--no vacant alzheimer's eyes....

...yes, i was desperately wanting to return again to that idyllic and heartwarming zoloft family reunion.

today i am on prozac, with no interesting tales to tell....
Vit, you say "today I'm on Prozac...". Were you switched from one to the other? Were you weaned off Zolof first? You aren't taking them alternately are you? Having been in the world of anti-depressants for 30 years, I have seen the "ups and downs" of almost all of them. I am thankful to say I am on a very low dose of an anti-depressant, mainly to help me sleep at night (I know, that sounds backwards, but for me it works).

I was put on Prozac when it was brand new. I did really great on it for almost a year and one day just totally bottomed out. I melted into a pool of despair like never before, had panic attacks, blackouts. It was worse than being on nothing at all. Mind you, my condition, which I would would be happy to discuss with you privately, is a tricky one.

Every medication works on every person differently. I agree that some of those memories are going to be very pleasant, like your meeting with your parents. I would really go to your doctor and explain all this.

As for telling your stories, if it helps you, please continue on and I for one will read them. I have found sharing my situation to be very healing.

i had been going through a rather bleak period of depression since the death of my mother late last year. my doc put me on zoloft this past june. she eased me into a low dosage, and after a few weeks, i was still only taking 50 mg. of zoloft once a day.

my depression remained unaffected, but in july i spent a couple of weeks, off and on, 'tripping' on the zoloft. or so i came to understand through my own testing of my perceptions of reality, and through detailed telephone conversations with my daughter during this period of time. testing myself was not easy, or very reliable either, as it depended on my ability to 'step outside' of my delusional experience (which was occurring in real time) and
attempt to critique it using my best logical and rational mind to question and probe. it was something like trying to escape from a bad dream, repeatedly trying, but failing....

at this point, i would like to know if anyone here has had any zoloft trips,or heard of any kind of hallucinatory experiences in connection with this antidepressant drug.

if there is interest in hearing a further detailed account of my zoloft trips, i will return to this thread and describe some of my weird travels and experiences--mostly occurring without my ever having left the sofa in my living daughter tells me my "symptoms" were as if lifted straight from the zoloft manual. i couldn't find much info on the subject online myself. i discontinued use of the drug three months ago.

Vit, I'm so sorry for your loss.

I have tried Zoloft and other anti-depressants for anxiety & PTSD, but never experienced hallucinations. 50 mg is a low dose. It usually takes about a month or so for the meds to kick in; and, the doseage is teetered up slowly (to about 200-300 mg -depends), then teetered down slowly to go off it - never stopped suddenly. Always read the contraindications, & don't mix with alcohol. If you have any serious adverse side effects, definitely discuss them w/ your doc/primary care provider.

My system is very sensitive, & have had many negative physical reactions - vomitting, dizziness, & on & on - but never hallucinations. Call your doc or 911. There are many "drugs" out there that may or may not work for you. You seem to be embracing these "trips." Definitely talk to your doc. Best of luck.
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lest anyone be tempted to 'experience' zoloft to get high, or like me, to recapture a pleasant memory, let me be quick to add that this is probably as futile as trying to reenter a good dream that got interrupted. and, like me, you may get enmeshed instead in something much more resembling a nightmare than a fulfilling fantasy trip.

lpb, i pretty much extricated myself from the zoloft by myself, with my girl's helpful input and support. i started taking the prozac about one month later, when i sustained a back injury and needed pain meds. this is a different doctor, with whom i discussed my misadventure with the zoloft medication. so far, i am experiencing no detectable ill-effects from the 20mg/day prozac, but neither does it seem to alleviating my depressive symptoms.

if needed, perhaps i will tell another of my zoloft experiences to demonstrate that there can be a definite and disturbing downside to zoloft tripping.--it's not all beautiful colors, shapes and holograms....
Your doctor needs to know the Prozac is not helping, Vit! They can increase the dose, but don't know they should if you don't say something.
You just reminded me about my Valium experience. They gave it to me when I had my first angiogram. Meant to calm you down, yeah right! Made me crazy, almost punched the nurse for over cooking my steak lol! Poor woman didn't even make it.
Any mind altering drug messes with my wiring lol! Told the Dr and he gave me Zopiclone to sleep. One minute I was walking around and yelling about how this stuff doesn't work, next thing I know I'm waking up fully clothed with slippers and all and it's the next day! Can't remember getting onto the bed or how and when I got there.

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