Our pets

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2016 was a really, really bad year in my life, one I don't want to revisit any time soon. My GP wrote prescription so my "little guy" could be an emotional support animal. He is lap certified so he can sit on my lap during the flight, I have to hold him in his papoose during take-off and landings. I used to work in the tourist industry a long time ago--never liked take-offs and landings, holding my little guy makes the world of difference. And, I love the perks of being bumped to business or first class. However, my little guy is not a service dog and I would NEVER pass him off as such. I couldn't have made it through 2016 if I couldn't have taken him with me as an ESA. If you are allergic / sensitive to animals and are booking a flight in the US, tell the agent that. I had a guy seated next to me on one flight who gave me a dirty look and said "I'm allergic to dogs." Me "Sorry." There was an open seat and he was able to move, but not my fault. Usually I there isn't anyone beside us, but if there is, not my fault. ESAs can be cats, dogs, min. horses, ferrets, birds, etc. You have a sensitivity or allergy, don't expect the person with the ESA to accommodate you. Federal regulations (there are two) allow a person to fly with an ESA. The person has had to provide documentation 48-hours in advance and notification when booking the ticket. If you have a sensitivity or allergy, you can do the same. Just saying. I couldn't travel back and forth between ON and MN without my little guy.
CWS, I'm so glad you have your little guy to help you get through all the stuff you have been dealing with. I had never heard about ESAs until you told us. Have you ever posted a picture of the little cutie pie?
Thanks med, PF, GG, and Taxy.

med, DW would kill me if she knew I posted that.

GG, Sammy does always look guilty. Amish mafia, I'm tellin' ya.
Actually, he has FIV, so we have to go to great lengths to watch him around the other cats. No,fighting, not even play fighting.

CWS, my sister just got a therapy dog for her youngest who is going through a lot of emotional stuff. I'm going to ask her if they can travel with him like you mentioned.
But a miniature horse on an airplane?
Loving the pet photos! Keep them coming, especially the kitty ones. We miss our kitty, but I've avowed to not get another one until we move back. By then Lovely will probably be talking us into shared custody of a dog! :LOL:

Your kitties are so cute, bt, but nowhere near as pretty as your DH. I'm going to guess that you might have married up...;)
Loving the pet photos! Keep them coming, especially the kitty ones. We miss our kitty, but I've avowed to not get another one until we move back. By then Lovely will probably be talking us into shared custody of a dog! :LOL:

Your kitties are so cute, bt, but nowhere near as pretty as your DH. I'm going to guess that you might have married up...;)

Um... That's DW... Hee hee :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, I guess I typed wrong. :wacko: This danged kink in my neck is making my brain all fuzzed. Couldn't turn my head too far to the left yesterday, today it's even less motion to the right. Maybe tomorrow I won't have any stiffness in my neck. At least the sides have been taking turns so far...
Thanks med, PF, GG, and Taxy.

med, DW would kill me if she knew I posted that.

GG, Sammy does always look guilty. Amish mafia, I'm tellin' ya.
Actually, he has FIV, so we have to go to great lengths to watch him around the other cats. No,fighting, not even play fighting.

CWS, my sister just got a therapy dog for her youngest who is going through a lot of emotional stuff. I'm going to ask her if they can travel with him like you mentioned.
But a miniature horse on an airplane?
The min horse has to wear a diaper.

This is a link re: the type letter that is needed to fly with an ESA.

Flying with an Emotional Support Animal OR a Psychiatric Service Dog | Service Dog Central
I can understand a lap pet, but a horse? Diaper or not, anything on an aircraft has to be able to be secured.

I've been on flights where turbulence causes a lot of problems with anything not strapped down.
BT--pretty sure the doc could write the letter required so the dog could be in the cabin on flights. My little guy only weighs 7.5 lb so he is "lap approved (certified). I have to hold him in his papoose during take off and landing, but the rest of the time, he is draped across my lap sleeping. TL, you met Tucker!
BT--pretty sure the doc could write the letter required so the dog could be in the cabin on flights. My little guy only weighs 7.5 lb so he is "lap approved (certified). I have to hold him in his papoose during take off and landing, but the rest of the time, he is draped across my lap sleeping. TL, you met Tucker!
Yes, I know I met Tucker. That was why I referred to him as your "little cutie pie". :)
Bucky, they are all good looking cats!

Hey, we have a cat named Monkey and our dog has a stuffed Monkey she loves that we named...Kitty of course!
Here's several shots of our dear little Monkey - there isn't an "in" or an "on" that gets past her!


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She's absolutely gorgeous. My DD would kill to have her. She's always wanted an all black kitty with green eyes.
A couple of years ago the dogs discovered a bat in the fireplace...



Grimlock stayed in the front... and Maya went to the back, waiting for Grimmy to chase it towards her...

Thanks, LP.

Pretty kitty there as well. Fully black cats are so cool. Is that a copier/fax that he is sitting on? Please tell me you hit scan...

dragn, I wish I could play with your dogs. Those are exactly the kind I want. We've been talking about adding a dog to the family, but the cats, birds, and turtle have to be considered.
Bucky, I burned only hardwood. That is just a piece of birch bark I found in the woods. I rolled it up and placed it there for the summer... just for looks.

Grimlock was a Saarlos Wolfhound. He is no longer with me. (long sad story) But he could open any door... and did. He could lick anything off the counters he could reach... and did.


He was not a hunter per se... but he could decimate half my chicken flock in minutes... and did.

He never showed any remorse for whatever he did... but we all loved him like crazy.

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