Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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In Denmark they put almost all of their wind turbines in the sea. Of course, that's easier in a country with that much coastline. At least one of the wind farms is just past the horizon. You can see the one near Copenhagen, but it's not huge, so it looks cool.
That's pretty interesting. I didn't know they would do that.
They must be huge to make it worth their while.
That's pretty interesting. I didn't know they would do that.
They must be huge to make it worth their while.
25% of their electricity comes from wind turbines, which is a big improvement over almost 100% from coal. It actually works so well, that sometimes they sell power to Sweden and Norway. One winter it reached a point that they had so much excess electricity that they had to pay countries to take it. :ohmy::LOL:
Somebody could benefit with that technology. Why haven't I heard of them doing it over here? Anyone on the coast reading this? Heck, we could stick them out on the Great Lakes.
That's why there are wind farms in northeastern Colorado and Southeastern Wyoming... not many people and lots of freaking wind. Man I hate the wind, not as much as I hate hot but it runs a close second.
They're great...unless they're near a residential area. Those motors have this annoying "hmmmm" that is audible if you are too close! Thank goodness there aren't any near us. I much prefer the sound of a solar array.

There is a wind farm off of Nantucket Sound. Even Walter Cronkite when he was alive tried to fight it. After years of court fighting, they lost. The farm is still there and growing.

Across the highway from me is the start of a commercial area that serves the waterway and storage companies. They are provided their electricity by just one of these windmills. It is one lone windmill sticking up into the sky. It can't be too high due to the airplanes flying overhead. What electricity they don't use, is sold back to our power company. It is the reason they didn't lose their power last week when we did.

Solar panels are still too expensive. :angel:
Most individuals with private wind turbines on their property make enough to sell to the power company. Of course, if you want to be completely off the grid, you can just turn it off on those day you are fully charged.
You are going to start seeing them like you do those oil well pumps in Texas and Oklahoma. Acres and acres of crops and in the middle an oil pump. The windmills are a great boon for ranches and farms that are a number of miles from their nearest neighbor. Like that one lone oil pump, it can save or bring in extra money. :angel:
They're great...unless they're near a residential area. Those motors have this annoying "hmmmm" that is audible if you are too close! Thank goodness there aren't any near us. I much prefer the sound of a solar array.

There were several houses intermixed throughout.
Somebody could benefit with that technology. Why haven't I heard of them doing it over here? Anyone on the coast reading this? Heck, we could stick them out on the Great Lakes.

They would get rid of the sea gulls and geese. :(. Out here they are killing lots of the bats that eat the insects.
Somebody could benefit with that technology. Why haven't I heard of them doing it over here? Anyone on the coast reading this? Heck, we could stick them out on the Great Lakes.
There is a wind farm off of Nantucket Sound. Even Walter Cronkite when he was alive tried to fight it. After years of court fighting, they lost. The farm is still there and growing.

The wind farm isn't built yet Addie. Cape Wind, in the Nantucket Sound, is supposed to be built. Pac,the residents along the southern shore of Cape Cod had fought it a long time because their view would be obstructed. I think they're actually getting things rolling now. From an article I found online they don't expect the first turbine to be spinning for a few more years.

I think they're pretty neat to look at - from a distance. But they should not be placed anywhere that impacts people - sound, light pattern, etc - or wildlife.

taxy, that was a good article about the turbines and birds. Guess birds are smart - sometimes smarter than humans. ;)

My Dad's Boxer and my Goldens.

As our niece would say: Squee!!! So cute! But I think I don't want to be around them when they're wet and have to shake themselves off! :LOL:
As our niece would say: Squee!!! So cute! But I think I don't want to be around them when they're wet and have to shake themselves off! :LOL:

The red golden was shaking herself while still in chest deep water. Such funny "kids"! :ROFLMAO:
Are you serious? I've never seen anything like that before, but I did see a young robin you had his leg stuck in the V of a privacy fence. It was not pretty.

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