Saturday 12/3/2016 What's on the menu?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
More chicken soup over brown rice for hub and I. DD's probably roasted chicken leg quarters and breast with roasted cauliflower and potatoes.
Wow, Ms. M, you are at it early!

I think it is going to be roast chicken here too, with roasted potatoes for TB and salad for both.
Wow, Ms. M, you are at it early!

I think it is going to be roast chicken here too, with roasted potatoes for TB and salad for both.

Didn't sleep well - insomnia and pain. Actually diabetes fun on the hour made it a hat trick.

Woke up with a baby migraine trying to grow up. So I figured I'd start thread early. I had the last of the pot roast for breakfast and may have soup for lunch and dinner. Feel a cold or something coming on.

I may make some homemade coffee yogurt.
French Toast. Pirate's with real maple syrup, mine with just butter and a very light sprinkling of sugar.

But first I have to make the bread.
Whatever is at the craft services table in Sports today.

As I walked by before, they had spaghetti and meatballs, chicken piccata and roast potatoes, and what looked like tagliatelle in a bacon cream sauce.


The latter is fitting for another discussion from today.
bucky, I'd say you might end up with Gator-on-a-Stick, but as a Buckeye fan I'm hoping that Florida rolls the Tide. ;)


I have a headache/stiff neck. Why does it seem like it's going around DC? :huh: I also have mushrooms that need using up - maybe today, maybe tomorrow. We'll have mushroom omelets if I feel like cooking, some sort of fried fish from the grocery store if I'm still fighting this.
Picked up my rack of lamb today but don't feel like cooking that tonight. I'm going to treat myself to PopeYes.
I'm making tomatillo salsa with garden tomatillos I froze a couple years ago, as well as garlic from last year's garden and a jalapeño from this year's garden. I'll use that to make enchiladas with the rest of the Thanksgiving turkey and Penzeys Southwest Seasoning.

I have some large Brussels sprouts from the farmers market last week. I'm going to Mexican-ify them somehow ;)
Spaghetti with Emeril's Kicked Up sauce, with the addition of minced clams and liquid, sliced mushrooms, and chopped green onions, with some additional red pepper flakes and fennel seeds, because I can't leave well enough alone.

Heh. DH added a bit of essence of DH when he grated some of his hand into his parm. Good reason I grated my own parm onto my own plate.
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We just finished some delicious loaded Taco Salads that really hit the spot. I recently got my third bulk reorder of the perfectly blended Taco Seasoning from Pensey's. It's excellent if you haven't tried it. Yep, I have everything to make my own but unlike mine, their blend is perfect every time.
Didn't do the ham steak. I was off rolling lefse from 1-4 p.m., so they finished off the venison stew and had lefse for dessert. Only in the Midwest will you see 6-8 lefse griddles propped up against the front of a Lutheran church cooling off. in December. I "won" the fastest lefse roller award...I rolled 7 doz. and taught a 70-year old woman the fine art of rolling lefse with the last dozen.
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We had sliders with caramelized onions, dry fried mushrooms and gorgonzola cheese. Homemade potato chips for a side.


Chicken al Queen, no mushroom, just veggies cut up to bedazzling jewels... well no I have no time for that, I just cut them up in smaller pieces and didnt follow the recipe instruction how to make carrot diamonds, bell pepper rubies

Chicken al Queen, no mushroom, just veggies cut up to bedazzling jewels... well no I have no time for that, I just cut them up in smaller pieces and didnt follow the recipe instruction how to make carrot diamonds, bell pepper rubies

That looks good. Recipe please. Yum
It was amazing, just so easy to make , if you ignore carving things into jewels.
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