What are you baking today?

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Joe, masterpieces every one!
Thanks to all of you for the kudos on the bread. It was a big hit and some of the wives were fighting over the leftover bread that they wanted to take home for morning toast (friendly fight among friends). I was thrilled when a retired bread baker complimented my bread, and was able to tell me exactly what was in it. We hit it off quickly, and spent quite some time talking about different bread recipes he has created over the years as an Executive Chef and a professional baker. Very interesting guy who I look forward to getting to know better. It just goes to show that when you give, you always get something in return. IMO, friendships are always the best gifts.
2 loaves of Christmas Bread, which will go into the freezer for Christmas morning.
Also, Dream Cookies.
Mom and I are making our annual batch of italian cookies --- yummmmm ---


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Michele Marie, they look absolutely delicious. So simple yet beautiful!

I am going to try and get my cookies done today. Also need to make spanakopita rolls for an appetizer party we are invited to tomorrow night. I am taking my cranberry/brie wontons as well, but they will be done tomorrow and are deep fried, not baked!
:) Hope this comes up. Yipee Kay Yea it worked
Thanks to Kitchen elfs great instruction on forem help thread
I made these for xmas party on the ranch

JP, those are AWESOME!!!!!!

They were the hit of the party but I hafto tell ya they were also alot of work about half way through I was cussing and saying to myself "what were you thinking? " :LOL: Got the idea off a womans magazine the ones on the left were gingerbread and the other sugar cookies.
This is my version of Ol-Blues Christmas cake.

Doesn't look too good but tasted great.

I also made cup cakes using the recipe. (didn't get photos of those)



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Thank you!! You can't tell but it's kind of lopsided...

I used and angel food cake pan and it leaked... oh well, it's the taste that counts!

Trish! you put up a pic!!!

I'm making some chocolate almond cookies.... using only the chocolate part.... and adding cherry baking chips to them.
I may make another batch of something just because I'm so COLD!
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