What are you doing?

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Hiya, Munky. :) Sure hope you find some good household help! Great idea to give a young college student a job, especially since she comes recommended by your son. I know how tiring it can be, doing everything yourself while caring for a loved one. You have to take care of yourself as well, and have a little down time for you. Take care, and good to see you here again! :wub:
Hiya Taxy,

Yes he does qualify for so many things and has used to placard card for the handicapped parking. He gave it up after so much frustration.
We gave up on the system.

Anything he needs that I personally know of to make his life as comfortable as possible I pay for it out of my pocket.

The pro's know stuff. Wives know more.;)
I was thinking of housekeeping help. Sometimes that can be arranged for someone who is recovering. It depends on where you live, what is available.

My youngest was just telling me he has a friend who's looking for a part time job to help her pay for her classes and books. He's going to ask her.
Why not help out a starving student willing to work. I'll go easy on her. Already made a to do list. It's not that bad. She just needs to be able to get along with dogs.

My oldest is looking to.Those 2 know a lot of people! We'll see how it goes.

Starving student to get paid for housework sounds like a plan.
Guess my "What are you doing?" is mediocre compared to everyone's.

Been working on sewing tons and tons of doll outfits for 18-inch dolls (like American Girl Dolls), along with knitting outfits and sweaters for them. Been having a good time and am preparing for two holiday bazaars in November.

I so enjoy creating and designing things for these little ladies.

Here are some examples:


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Nothing mediocre about those outfits Katie. They are really cute and nice detail. I sew, but I doubt I would have the patience for those outfits.
No, I don't have any plans to fly over there. Although I would love too. It is a 9 hour flight. From the Netherlands they fly to Minneapolis. then to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He will return the same route. At my age I don't think I would like that long flight.:)

What a great excuse to take a cruise! As long as you don't have a constricted time frame you would have a lovely time!

A week sailing the brine then a couple of weeks cruising the canals and sail back home. You'll meet and make lots of friends, eat like a Queen, not worry about airports or luggage restrictions!
Will be heading to Wachusetts Brewery in an hour to fill up two 64oz growlers of beer. Tomorrow I'll be going to Fairfield, CT to see my brother's family. He and I will be attending the NY Mets game tomorrow night as part of his 50th birthday celebration. His birthday was last November but his wife decided to do "50 fabulous things" as a year long celebration. The idea is to do one thing each week with family/friends. So this weekend is mine. I also will have another weekend in October where we'll take some sort of cooking class together. Should be fun.
What a great excuse to take a cruise! As long as you don't have a constricted time frame you would have a lovely time!

A week sailing the brine then a couple of weeks cruising the canals and sail back home. You'll meet and make lots of friends, eat like a Queen, not worry about airports or luggage restrictions!

That sure is something to think about. Thanks for the idea.
Guess my "What are you doing?" is mediocre compared to everyone's...
On the contrary! Your sewing and other artsy-craftsy touches to the doll clothes and accessories is extraordinary!

Will be heading to Wachusetts Brewery in an hour to fill up two 64oz growlers of beer. Tomorrow I'll be going to Fairfield, CT to see my brother's family. He and I will be attending the NY Mets game tomorrow night as part of his 50th birthday celebration. His birthday was last November but his wife decided to do "50 fabulous things" as a year long celebration. The idea is to do one thing each week with family/friends. So this weekend is mine. I also will have another weekend in October where we'll take some sort of cooking class together. Should be fun.
Are those growlers part of your birthday gift to him? :D Have fun at Citi Park. I hope the Mets still have wins in them after bashing my Cleveland Indians this week. :( BTW, your SIL had a genius idea for that birthday gift.
Guess my "What are you doing?" is mediocre compared to everyone's.

Been working on sewing tons and tons of doll outfits for 18-inch dolls (like American Girl Dolls), along with knitting outfits and sweaters for them. Been having a good time and am preparing for two holiday bazaars in November.

I so enjoy creating and designing things for these little ladies.

Here are some examples:

Love the Candy Striper doll!

Yesterday I watched a young lady of 5 or 6 create a Biker Girl outfit for her Barbie type doll out of Gorilla Tape. She did a fantastic job.
Been plenty busy lately. My back has been messed up for 15 years or more so I went to a medical Dr instead of chiropractor this time. Just as I figured he gave me some pills. Prescription strength aleve basically.
The boys first Cub scout meeting today. Jasper is really excited about being in this year with his big brother.
Over the weekend I put in a patio at the river by our camper. I was talking it easy not to aggravate my back. Luckily one of my older boys and his friend showed up and took over. Didn't do too bad a job. Ran short of pavers but it's good for now. IMG_20190826_175218.jpgIMG_20190824_095846.jpgreceived_406218240032682.jpg
Yesterday afternoon walked around the back yard picking up doggy stuff and digging out the stinging nettles. Man! I must not have done the nettles last year. There was a mother load in one corner. I know I still didn't get them all. Put them in the bag with the dog stuff - going in the garbage. Don't want them in the compost and can't just leave them - they're even worse when dry and brittle.

Contemplating three gardens in desperate need of edging.

Contemplating a couple more designs for eggs.

Contemplating which day, if it's not muggy, to try some meringue recipes.
Contemplating who I will pawn them off on so I don't pig out on them.

Guess I'll walk the dog, play games on the 'puter, nap, watch TV.
Busy day ahead of me.
We have one of our grandsons living with us for his senior year of high school. It's a little extra work but I love having him here. He is graduating early in January. He only has to take 3 classes so he get out of school at 10AM. He got himself a job unloading trucks at WalMart 5 times a week, from 2 in the afternoon til 10 at night. He is such a good kid.
A friend is coming over. We've planned to make two styles of meringues. Nests and pavlova. Of course.... it's going to rain all day. :mad:

Still going ahead with at least one of them. Then we'll see and maybe continue on Thurs with nicer weather... we hope.:rolleyes:
My wife's aunt passed away in Cincinnati so we made the 12 hour trip yesterday. While I am out here I am going to meet a cousin of mine that I found on Facebook. So trying to mix a little fun and social activities in with the sad.
We're preparing for a visit from Dorian. We are right on the boundary line between the hurricane and tropical storm warnings for tomorrow. Got water, food, refilled Rx, gas for the generator and grill and beehives tied down. Just need to bring in loose stuff from the porch and pick whatever we can from the garden.
Oh my, take care GG. Sounds like you know what to do. Please keep us up to date. We want to know that you and your DH are safe.
Stay safe. Hope any damage is minor.
Oh my, take care GG. Sounds like you know what to do. Please keep us up to date. We want to know that you and your DH are safe.
Thanks. Yes, we've lived here for a long time and have been through it several times before. After we lost power for over a week in 2003, we bought a generator. DH filled up all our gas tanks last weekend with discount points at Kroger. I'll keep you posted as much as I can.

Whatever blows away think of it as a free garage sale.
If you find it. Keep it.:ROFLMAO:

Actually keep us posted that your both ok.


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