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Yes, taxy, thanks for asking! It looks like there might be a nest under the front porch steps. Himself said he would kill them, but I'm calling someone tomorrow. The spot is hard to reach. I'd rather have someone properly suited up than Himself in shorts and a T-shirt deal with them.
If they're honeybees, you should be able to find a beekeeper in your area who will remove them for free and rehome them.
Yes, taxy, thanks for asking! It looks like there might be a nest under the front porch steps. Himself said he would kill them, but I'm calling someone tomorrow. The spot is hard to reach. I'd rather have someone properly suited up than Himself in shorts and a T-shirt deal with them.

If they're honeybees, you should be able to find a beekeeper in your area who will remove them for free and rehome them.
Yes, don't kill the bees. We need bees to pollinate the flora. Bees are very important for our ecology.
I'm sitting in the living room with my feet up (gotta keep that knee elevated! [emoji16]), surrounded by my fur babies, listening to the rain, periodically watching Olympic athletes on the Today show. Glad I don't have to go anywhere today.
Finally got in gear to start freezing roasted Hatch green chiles. We are half way through the season here. Bought two 25 pound boxes and stuffed them into 19 quart freezer bags. The house smells heavenly. The chiles are very large and very meaty. I guess it is good to wait a bit before buying them!
I'm taking a lunch break from cleaning the house; I'm almost done.
We have a meet-n-greet with a Relator tomorrow morning at our home,
and I want to put my best foot forward.
She'll be assisting us in finding a new place for my Mother,
who we are moving closer to us from California.
I just thought of something else, I'll actually have to put some
makeup on, do my hair and look like I'm human :LOL:
Gathered the onions this morning to shred and get into the crockpot later this evening. Will can the third and final batch of caramelized onions in the morning.


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I'm sitting in the living room with my feet up (gotta keep that knee elevated! [emoji16]), surrounded by my fur babies, listening to the rain, periodically watching Olympic athletes on the Today show. Glad I don't have to go anywhere today.

Tell me all about it! I thought the rain would NEVER end Thursday AM. But it wasn't as bad as last Sunday - multiple tornado warnings, right at lunchtime. But I planned ahead, and had lunch ready by 10:30 that morning.
Dug up my parkway, removed the grass and sprinklers, and installed rock and a drip system.


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Trying to figure out if my coffee is cool enough that I don't burn my frozen lip.

yup, it is...

but I forgot about the dribble down the chin part. :(
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Today is a total goof-off day. Recovering from my pre-hurricane baking marathon yesterday. And doing three loads of wash. And cleaning the half-bath. And fixing a pretty decent dinner last night. *phew* Getting worn out again just thinking of it! :LOL:

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