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Trying to decide of I get up at 3 am and watch the gold medal hockey game. Good news if I do, I can sleep all day afterwards
Thanks, CWS. I've been looking for a soft "sock" for my tender feet. I've plenty of yarn, but will have to get some knitting needles.

Again, much thanks!
I have made several pairs of these using leftover yarn. I have yet to make a pair where I cast on 54 stitches. I cast on using the cable cast-on method. I have altered the pattern somewhat. I knit the first row and every uneven row after that. I also knit the first 4 and the last 4 stitches of every row so that when I assemble the slipper, the "cuff" looks like ribbing. I cast on enough stitches so that there are 10-10-1/2 inches of stitches (regardless of the yarn) on the needle. I then adjust the number of stitches cast off based on how many stitches are on the needle (anywhere from 6 and 1 when I had 25 stitches on the needle to 9 and 3 when I had 52 stitches on the needle). I can knit one of these during a 1.5 hour movie, so they are quick to knit. After the decrease to shape the toe, I do a 1x1 or 2x2 rib just for fun.

I use 3 - 7 (Cdn) size needles.

They are super comfortable and the 5 inches brings the "slipper" up over your ankle so they stay on--they don't fall off. I've used all kinds of yarn and have knit them with multiple # of balls (3-5) depending on the weight of the yarn.

Thinking of adding some buttons to the next pair I make to make them look like "ankle" sneakers. And, thinking of making them with 2 "strands" of roving in oversize so I can felt them...
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I had to Google a video of "cable cast-on method". That looks really complicated. I use the "thumb/continental" method. I also knit using the continental method. I have tried the other way, but my fingers just don't want to learn it.
I had to Google a video of "cable cast-on method". That looks really complicated. I use the "thumb/continental" method. I also knit using the continental method. I have tried the other way, but my fingers just don't want to learn it.
If you have a crochet hook (doesn't matter the size, except I've never used the teeny-weeny one), what you do is cast on two stitches (left needle) and then you push the crochet hook between the stitches (at the bottom of the needle), loop the loop over the knitting needle, give a little tug on the yarn to tighten the stitch and repeat. I prefer using the crochet hook over the other knitting needle which is the method I think you saw on the 'Net. Basically, what you are doing is chaining with the crochet hook and putting the "chained" stitch on the left knitting needle. Does that make more sense than what you checked out on the 'Net?

I like this method of casting on when I don't want an edge that is "stretchy." My other favorite method is the "old Norwegian" cast on method which is similar to the continental method except you add an extra loop. I too knit "continental" (because I'm a lefty and because that is how my aunt taught me). I could never figure out how to knit any other way.

You can definitely cast on using the long-tail method (or however you cast on) to make these "slipper socks." Be forewarned, if you have a basket of them by the door, guests do tend to want to take them home...
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I'm taking cat hairs off my laptops keyboard with a piece several pieces of sticky tape.

HA!! I see I am not alone of the cat hair wars.

I think I rule for the dog hair stuck in Joy's vents, however. I did find out that life does go on after this. You just start losing people who need a ride.

With love,
I just finished eating darn near a whole 10" skillet of bubble and squeak :pig:
My first attempt wasn't bad, I just need to work on getting the "socarrat" to not stay in the pan :wacko: It scraped out easily so I sprinkled it on top :ermm:
Just finished watching the Canadian men's hockey team receive their gold medals.
Getting ready to take a trip to Costco. For us, Costco is A Big Deal, and entails much planning. It's 45 minutes away. I need to go down the basement and take inventory. We already have a lifetime supply of Finish dishwasher detergent tablets.
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I just popped dinner in the oven.
Myapp's (sp?) recipe took a turn, but I was making it more by method.
I found some thighs and breasts in the freezer and we'll see...
I am trying to tire myself out enough to go to sleep. I was up most of the night coughing, then started to watch the Gold Medal hockey game (pregame started here at 3 am) and then couldn't sleep after 7 when it was all over. So I napped for three hours and now can't sleep. :wacko:

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