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At the moment I'm "taking 5." Our house smells like a Maryland crab shack...and that's a good thing from my point of view.

I just finished boiling the potatoes and assembling the remaining ingredients for a big bowl of my Cajun potato salad. Glenn and I are going to a family get-together at his son's house tomorrow and we've promised to bring the potato salad and several dozen ears of corn from the garden.

I sampled the potatoes a few minutes ago and they're appropriately spicy. Nice bite to them. Along with the creole seasoning and the spicy hot mustard, the salad will, as they say here, light you right up. It's always better on its second day, which is why I made it today. Like fine wine, it gets better with age.

Corn has been shucked and cleaned and is in the auxiliary refrigerator awaiting its journey to Kenneth's house tomorrow.
Katie, thanks for the reminder. I copied this recipe last year and forgot about it. I think it's time to make this.
I decided to accomplish something while on vacation, I painted my recently acquired 80's era Kitchenaid mixer. It was a little rough when I got it and I wasn't fond of the almond color, so I decided to give it a paint job. I'm not usually all that crafty and have very little experience with spray paint, But I like how it came out. Here is the mixer before, you can kinda see it behind my trusty 'ol Ultra Power.


Here it is now. I'm going to do a little touch up on it tomorrow, but I'm not going to obsess over it, it's an appliance, not a decoration! I have a new trim ring and cord coming for it tomorrow. I used metallic copper spray paint and it really looks convincing.

Here I am chiming in late as usual! So good to see you posting, PF. I missed you a lot. We are just in the pack-up phase, getting our townhouse ready for sale. We have so much stuff we need to purge and put some stuff in storage so they can actually "see" the place.

I can't wait to read all your posts and get caught up with all things in the world of Shrek and Princess Fiona! Love you guys.

Hiya LP!! Doing great now that I am back online, was starting to get really bored with no cable or Internet. Not enough to do in a small town that rolls up the sidewalks at 8 PM and you have to stay up all night.

Love you too and I'd like to wish you a smooth move.:)
That Kitchenaid looks like a million bucks, bakechef!

...I just finished boiling the potatoes and assembling the remaining ingredients for a big bowl of my Cajun potato salad...I sampled the potatoes a few minutes ago and they're appropriately spicy. Nice bite to them. Along with the creole seasoning and the spicy hot mustard, the salad will, as they say here, light you right up...
Earlier today, when I was making my potato salad, I thought how good it would be if I made my remoulade sauce to dress the spuds with...and here you are! I hope you and Glenn have a lot of fun at Kenneth's house tomorrow.
Well Pirate went shopping and brought me about ten pounds of boneless chicken legs and thighs. So I am going to be preparing them for the freezer. He also brought me the biggest watermelon they had. It priced the same for the smallest as the largest.

So I am presently doing laundry and peeling and slicing two bulbs of garlic to put in a container of olive oil. After that come preparing meats for the freezer. and hang up the laundry. It is going to be a really busy day for me.

What I really want to do is go back to bed. I went to sleep at 3 a.m. and was up at 8 a.m. But I just have too much on my plate today for me to be lazy. But first, I need to fix something for me to eat. :angel:
Almost 8:30PM, just finished packing for a day or two up in the Sierra Nevadas at my daughter and SIL's cabin. Last minute trip and so looking forward to it! See y'all in a couple of days. :)


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Celery? Cabbage? Mushrooms? Any shredded veggie. Diced small any leftover meat in the fridge? Corn starch slurry to bring it all together.

Thanks, Addie.

Keeping in mind that Chow Mein is an American dish in origin. So you can make it using any veggie you have on hand. Limit the carbs and use low sodium soy sauce. :angel:

I ended up making it with bean sprouts and fried mushrooms. I just mixed it all together with the beef mixture. It was pretty good, but I'll be making changes. It definitely needed color.

The bean sprouts were a good idea. It made the dish appear as if it had some kind of noodle in it yet it had it's own great flavor. I definitely recommend it as a noodle substitute. Just be very careful to not really cook it, just warm it up, or it wlll shrivel into nothingness!

When I get the recipe where I want it, I'll post it. It will take a few months at least.
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Thanks, ladies! It's just past 7:30 AM and I'm ready to hit the road for some boating, fishing, maybe a little hiking. :cool: Have a great day, all! :)

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